Hilary MacCormick, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor

Email: hilarykate@dal.ca
Research Topics:
- LGBTQIA+ health
- Medical education
- Obstetric anesthesia
- Global health
- Equity, diversity, & inclusion
- Obstetric anesthesia fellowship, Dalhousie University (2019)
- Anesthesia residency, McMaster University (2018)
- Medical School, Dalhousie University (2012)
Dr. MacCormick (she/her) is an obstetric anesthesiologist at IWK Health and a general adult anesthesiologist at the QEII Hospital in Halifax, NS. She is passionate about global health, volunteering regularly with CASIEF. As a queer clinician and researcher, she is an outspoken advocate regarding LGBTQIA+ issues.
Research interests
Dr. MacCormick’s research interests are primarily centered around improving perioperative and anesthetic care for LGBTQIA+ individuals. This research includes describing the current state of medical education in various contexts, as well as exploring the lived experiences of patients using qualitative methodology.
Selected publications
- MacCormick H, Johnson LT, Burchell D, Munro A, Lorello GR, George RB, Bould MD (2024). Lived Experiences of Transgender and Nonbinary People in the Perioperative Context: A Qualitative Study. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 196(24), E806-E815. [Published] PubMed ID: 38955410.
- Burcheri A, Coutin A, Bigham BL, Kruse MI, Lien K, Lim R, MacCormick H, Morris J, Ng V, Primani N, Odorizzi S, Poirier V, Upadhye S, Primavesi R (2023). Exploring a case for education about sexual and gender minorities in postgraduate emergency medicine training: forming recommendations for change. Postgraduate Medicine, 135(6), 623-632. [Editorial - Published] PubMed ID: 37310186.
- Patel A, MacCormick H, Elise Graham M (2023). Supporting breastfeeding and lactation in surgical patients. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne, 195(25), E879. [Letter to the Editor - Published] PubMed ID: 37364913.
- Mottiar M, Burchell D, MacCormick H (2023). Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in anesthesiology: a primer. Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthesie, 70(6), 1075-1089. [Editorial - Published] PubMed ID: 37341898.
Selected presentations
- Inclusivity in #OBAnes: Improving OB Anesthetic care for LGBTQIA+ Communities (2024) - Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society Annual Meeting - Victoria, BC
- All the Letters of the Rainbow: Improving Anesthetic Care for LGBTQIA+ Communities (2022) - University of Ottawa - Ottawa Hospital Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine - Ottawa, ON [Grand Rounds]
- Beyond the Binary: Caring for Sexual and Gender Minority Patients on the Birth Unit (2019) - Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology - Halifax, NS [Webinar]
- CAS (OB section, EDI committee, Awards committee)
- CASIEF (volunteer)
- Assistant Professor, Anesthesiologist – Women’s & Obstetric Anesthesia, IWK Health; Department of Anesthesia, Pain Management & Perioperative Medicine, Dalhousie University
- Informal teaching of medical students, residents, fellows in the OR/birth unit
- “Obstetric Patient with Comorbidity” resident teaching session (core curriculum)
- Supervision of 2 resident research projects
- Supervision of 1 fellow research project
- “Human Development Unit” preceptor for UGME CBL program
Other service & activity
- Media interview (July 2024): Transgender and gender-diverse people in Canada face significant barriers to accessing care and surgery, studies find [Online] - The Globe and Mail
- Radio interviews (July 2024): CBC radio, 12 stations across Canada, re: “Lived Experiences of Transgender and Nonbinary People in the Perioperative Context: A Qualitative Study”