Javeria HashmiPhD

Associate Professor


Email: Javeria.Hashmi@dal.ca
Research Topics:
  • Pain
  • Cognition
  • Brain Development
  • Anesthesia
  • Predictive Analysis
  • fMRI-MEG
  • Graph Theory
  • Machine learning


  • PhD, University of Toronto
  • Post-doctoral Fellow Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Physiology (2010-2013)
  • Post-doctoral Fellow Harvard Medical School/MGH, Department of Neurology, Department of Psychiatry (2013-2015)
  • MSc, University of Western Ontario

Research interests:

Dr. Hashmi is dedicated to understanding the behavioral relevance of large-scale neural communication in the brain. Her lab uses multimodal brain imaging and leading-edge analytical approaches such as graph theory and machine learning for studying physiological functions of brain networks. The focus is on studying sensory and affective pain as a modality to understand how the brain processes information to generate perception.

Related information:


Dr. Hashmi is a Canada Research Chair (CRC) Tier II (Pain) nominee who has trained in brain imaging and pain research in top-tier labs at the University of Toronto, Northwestern and Harvard. She investigates the role of network efficiency and neural communication in pain perception, brain development, sex-differences and anesthesia.

Selected publications:

  1. Khan, S*, Hashmi, J.A*, Gollub, R.L, Whitfield-Gabrieli, S, Mamashli, F, Kitzbichler, M.G, Bekhti, Y, Bharadwaj, H, Michimizos, K, Garel, A, Kong, J, Vaina, L.M, Rana, K.D, Hamalainen, M.S, Stufflebeam, S.S, Kenet, T. Cortical beta and gamma rhythm networks evolve along distinct maturation trajectories. in submission. *equal contribution.
  2. Hashmi, J.A, Khan, S, Akeju OJ, Loggia, M, Brown E.N, Purdon, P. Anesthesia disrupts local and global communication in large-scale brain networks. in submission
  3. Hashmi, J.A, Kong J, Spaeth R, Khan S, Kaptchuk T, Gollub R.L. Functional network architecture predicts psychologically mediated analgesia related to treatment in chronic knee pain patients. Journal of Neuroscience, 2014; 34;3924-3936.
  4. Hashmi J.A, Davis K.D. Deconstructing sex differences in pain sensitivity. Topical Review. Pain. 2014;155:10-13.
  5. Hashmi J.A, Baliki M.N, Huang L, Torbey S, Herman K, Schnitzer T.J, Apkarian A.V. Shape shifting pain: Chronification of back pain shifts brain representation from nociceptive to emotional circuits. Brain. 2013;136:2751-2768.