Javeria Hashmi, PhD
Associate Professor

Email: Javeria.Hashmi@dal.ca
Research Topics:
- Pain
- Cognition
- Brain Development
- Anesthesia
- Predictive Analysis
- Graph Theory
- Machine learning
- PhD, University of Toronto
- Post-doctoral Fellow Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Physiology (2010-2013)
- Post-doctoral Fellow Harvard Medical School/MGH, Department of Neurology, Department of Psychiatry (2013-2015)
- MSc, University of Western Ontario
Research interests:
Dr. Hashmi is dedicated to understanding the behavioral relevance of large-scale neural communication in the brain. Her lab uses multimodal brain imaging and leading-edge analytical approaches such as graph theory and machine learning for studying physiological functions of brain networks. The focus is on studying sensory and affective pain as a modality to understand how the brain processes information to generate perception.
Related information:
Dr. Hashmi is a Canada Research Chair (CRC) Tier II (Pain) nominee who has trained in brain imaging and pain research in top-tier labs at the University of Toronto, Northwestern and Harvard. She investigates the role of network efficiency and neural communication in pain perception, brain development, sex-differences and anesthesia.
Selected publications:
- Khan, S*, Hashmi, J.A*, Gollub, R.L, Whitfield-Gabrieli, S, Mamashli, F, Kitzbichler, M.G, Bekhti, Y, Bharadwaj, H, Michimizos, K, Garel, A, Kong, J, Vaina, L.M, Rana, K.D, Hamalainen, M.S, Stufflebeam, S.S, Kenet, T. Cortical beta and gamma rhythm networks evolve along distinct maturation trajectories. in submission. *equal contribution.
- Hashmi, J.A, Khan, S, Akeju OJ, Loggia, M, Brown E.N, Purdon, P. Anesthesia disrupts local and global communication in large-scale brain networks. in submission
- Hashmi, J.A, Kong J, Spaeth R, Khan S, Kaptchuk T, Gollub R.L. Functional network architecture predicts psychologically mediated analgesia related to treatment in chronic knee pain patients. Journal of Neuroscience, 2014; 34;3924-3936.
- Hashmi J.A, Davis K.D. Deconstructing sex differences in pain sensitivity. Topical Review. Pain. 2014;155:10-13.
- Hashmi J.A, Baliki M.N, Huang L, Torbey S, Herman K, Schnitzer T.J, Apkarian A.V. Shape shifting pain: Chronification of back pain shifts brain representation from nociceptive to emotional circuits. Brain. 2013;136:2751-2768.