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BIOC 3620 Experiental Learning

Course Objectives/Learning Outcomes

The purpose of this class is to provide credit to a learning experience that is relevant to the program but outside the scheduled curriculum. It is distinguished from special topics and laboratory research project classes in being focused on the application of accumulated skills in a practical context, or learning skills not provided in the regular curriculum, rather than on addressing particular experimental hypotheses. The specific Learning Outcomes for each lab placement will be provided in the Learning Agreement.

To register in BIOC 3620:

  1. You will first need to find a professor who is willing to supervise your BIOC 3620 work experience in the winter term of your third year. (Please note that for BIOC 3620, the professor has to be a Biochemistry & Molecular Biology department faculty member). We encourage you to contact professors whose research sounds particularly interesting to you. Send a brief email indicating your degree program, year in the program and that you are interested in doing BIOC 3620 (and if appropriate, potentially Honours research) under their supervision. Ask if they would be willing to consider this, and if so, could you set up a time to meet them.
  2. Once you have identified a supervisor, you and your supervisor will need to fill in and sign a Learning Outcomes Agreement form [DOC - 32 KB] which gets submitted to the BIOC 3620 course coordinator for approval (Supervisors will also have the form). The Learning Agreement should indicate the biochemistry or molecular biology knowledge and skills that will be learned (learning outcomes), and a description of the learning activities through which the outcomes will be achieved. It will also provide the criteria for assessment, start and end dates, a realistic date for completion of all evaluation components, and the name of the supervisor. Example of a Learning Agreement Form [PDF - 75 KB]
  3. The BIOC 3620 course coordinator will then put in the override to enable you to register for the class. This typically happens late in the fall term and prospective supervisors may make acceptance contingent on a student’s successful completion of one of the fall BIOC 3000-level courses (i.e. BIOC 3400 or BIOC 3700). If you have registered for 5 other courses for the winter term, do not drop one until the coordinator has given permission for you to register for BIOC 3620.
  4. Please feel free to arrange an appointment to meet with the course coordinator if you want more information about the course.


BIOC 3620 Course Coordinator
Dr. Hyo-Sung Ro
Office: Tupper 9-G
