Honours Program

This is a special concentrated Honours Program in which emphasis may be placed on different areas of biochemistry such as protein chemistry, metabolism or molecular genetics. Because Biochemistry and Chemistry are closely interwoven both conceptually and experimentally, the list of required courses includes both subjects. Honours students must meet the general degree requirements of the Faculty.

Biochemistry may be chosen along with one of Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Mathematics, Microbiology, Physics, Psychology, or possibly another subject, for a Combined Honours Program.

Contact us

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Step-by-step guide

Can an honours degree help you to meet your career aspirations?

  • Verify that you qualify. Refer to the Department's requirements in the current Undergraduate Calendar or in the Undergraduate Programs in BIOC booklet [PDF - 842 KB] (updated March 16, 2023).
  • Establish where you want to perform research. Choose one or more potential supervisors. Arrange to meet with them in person to discuss your interests. The potential supervisor may be considering a number of students from which they may be able to offer a limited number of placements, sometimes only one spot is available. Do not delay on this step. It is your obligation to find a placement. You should have a supervisor in place by February of your third year.
  • Complete an Honours Application Form (see above). You must obtain a signature from an academic advisor within the department of the honours degree. Email a copy of the completed form to Barb Bigelow in the department office. Additionally, submit the completed form in person to the Registrar's Office. This should be completed by April of your third year.
  • Establish lines of communication with the supervisor and proceed as directed.
  • After your marks are reviewed at the end of your third year, verifying your eligibility as an honours student, a department representative will contact you by your official Dalhousie email address to invite you to register in BIOC4604/BIOC4605. Expect a message in June.
  • Register for BIOC 4604/BIOC4605. The course instructor will contact you by your official Dalhousie email address. Expect a message in late August, early September.
  • Enjoy the experience!