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New Emergency Section

Posted by Dr. Patrick Slipp on February 10, 2017 in Emergency
QEII hospital
QEII hospital

The recently formed section of Emergency Radiology had its first official meeting in early January with an excellent turn out and representation from all current sections.

After a productive initial discussion regarding clinical and academic goals for the newest section, a smaller working group met to review options for implementing changes to clinical coverage. As a major goal of the section is to increase collaboration and communication between the departments of Radiology and Emergency Medicine, the changes to clinical coverage will help to create a more formal and consistent connection between the two.

The current plan for implementation involves redistribution of cases at the HI site. The current Hotseat and CT Body shifts will be reorganized into Emergency and Non-Emergency shifts. Clinical coverage for the Emergency radiologist will include all plain film and CT Body cases requested through the ER as well as inpatient CT Body cases at the HI. The Non-emergency radiologist will focus on inpatient plain films and outpatient CT Body cases.

After further group discussions, implementation of the Emergency Imaging academic curriculum and clinical coverage will begin with the new academic year in the fall of 2017. Once finalized, the detailed plan will be announced.

We look forward to the opportunities and challenges associated with this new endeavor and welcome feedback through this process.


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