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Dr. Manos new Associate Head, Education

Posted by Dr. James Clarke on August 30, 2019 in Chest

With great pleasure we announce that Dr. Daria Manos has accepted the position as Associate Head, Education for the Department of Diagnostic Radiology. 

Dr. Manos is well known to the Department having served as a member of the Thoracic Imaging Section since joining as a staff radiologist at the QEII.  She served as a member of the Diagnostic Radiology Specialty Committee for the Royal College for six years and has served as the Departmental Ombudsperson for the residents for close to ten years.  She has a strong track record in delivering highly valued sessions at the UGME, PGME and CME levels, is an internationally sought after speaker in Thoracic Imaging and has been a leader in spurring education research locally within the department.
Dr. Manos will work with the program directors to play a key role in facilitating the implementation of Competence by Design in our residency programs and in helping guide the overall functioning of our educational programs. 
Please join us in congratulating her on stepping into this important new position.


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