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Radiology Shines Spotlight on Residency Education

Posted by Melissa MacLeod on October 30, 2019 in News

2019 saw the largest team from the Dalhousie Department of Diagnostic Radiology attend the International Conference on Residency Education (ICRE). With residency education changes sweeping the country, the team of three faculty, one resident, and one staff member travelled to Ottawa, ON, to learn about how to handle the changing landscape at the Royal College-lead annual conference.

“I feel very strongly that our residency education program is one of the best in the country,” says Dr. James Clarke, who took over the role of Department Head on July 1, 2019. “The way we continue to serve our residents, faculty, and the general public is to be on the forefront of the coming changes. ICRE is a fantastic opportunity to learn from our colleagues in medical education from around the world and contribute to the discussions of what our programs need and the best way to face the changes ahead.”

ICRE, planned and organized by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, is the world’s largest conference devoted exclusively to advancing residency education. This year’s program featured 6 plenaries, 21 learning tracks, more than 60 workshops, and approximately 200 poster and paper presentations. In addition, the conference featured pre- and post- conference workshops and sessions for specific target groups, including faculty development, residents, and program administrators.

“As part of the 2019 ICRE, I attended the 5th International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions,” says Dr. Kathy O’Brien, Associate Professor and Faculty Development Coordinator, Dalhousie Diagnostic Radiology. “The two-day course consisted of plenary sessions, posters and workshops devoted to faculty development topics. Workshops were centered on themes of curriculum design/programming, faculty development for teaching, learning and assessment, and leadership development. I was able to easily identify practical take home messages that will help me in my role, and I already have found local resources to help me get started in planning the departments’ faculty development approach for next year.”

Organizers of ICRE plan sessions for attendees of all levels of involvement – from rookies in the medical education field to annual attendees. The Department’s Chief Resident was supported to attend the conference this year and found it to be a great experience for her current role, as well as her future career. “The pre-conference small group sessions were interactive and engaging, focusing on a variety of topics relevant to both residents and practicing physicians including leadership courses, conflict management techniques, and development of new educational tools for CBME to name a few,” says Dr. Laura Fitzpatrick, PGY4 and Chief Resident, Dalhousie Diagnostic Radiology. “I look forward to using the skills and lessons I learned during the conference to better our program, and share some of the educational tools with the resident group at large. I would definitely recommend the ICRE for residents, especially those who are interested in an academic radiology career.”


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