2025 Agenda

Saturday, February 1, 2025
Virtual Delivery

12:00 (EST) 

Welcome, Introductions & Framework  

Overall Program Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the internal and external barriers for women in medical leadership.
  • Use leadership skills to improve patient care and workplace wellness.
  • List benefits (both to the individual and to the greater Radiology Community in Canada) of leadership activity.
  • Share and learn from the experiences of our community.

12:10 (EST) 

“Reflections on a Career: Medicine, Motherhood and Migration” with Dr. Alison Harris BSc (Hons), MBChB, MRCP, FRCR, FRCPC, FSAR, MSc, Clinical Professor of Radiology, University of BC 

By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the challenges of balancing family life and career demands.

  • Identify the role of mentors, sponsors and supporters in guiding key decisions.

Interactive learning: includes 20 minutes for moderated Q&A discussion.

13:00 (EST) 

Breakout Session #1 - Options detailed below

“Academic Promotion: Why and How to Get There” with  Dr. Jana Taylor

By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to: 

  • Recognize the benefits of academic promotion.

  • Identify barriers to the academic promotion of female radiologists.

  • Use strategies to improve promotion success.


“Transition to Practice: Thriving from Day One” with Dr. Lindsay Milroy  

By the end of this presentation, participants will: 

  • Be able to identify key components to the transition to practice and change management.

  • Become familiar with expected prospective difficulties or barriers encountered in your first year of practice

  • Prepare for the transition to practice by learning practical information and tips for effective change management


“Practicing Radiology in Quebec: Discussion and Identification of Action Priorities” with Dr. Kiana LebelDr. Sonya Sagredo, Dr. Sarah Chibane, Dr. Magalie DubéDr. Florence Morin-Roy & Dr. Louise Samson

By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify barriers to leadership promotion for female radiologists in Quebec.

  • Identify benefits of networking and support among female radiologists.

  • Understand the experience of other female radiologists in Quebec.

Interactive learning: 60 minutes interactive session (any option).

14:00 (EST) 


14:30 (EST) 

“Know your worth: Negotiations tips and tricks for women in medicine” with Dr. Nikolina Mizdrak

By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the foundational background and psychological concepts relevant to the topic.

  • Recognize the importance of money transparency and its impact on financial decision-making.

  • Assess personal value to gain insight into individual worth in various contexts. 

  • Identify and pursue activities that align with personal meaning and fulfillment.

Interactive learning: includes 20 minutes for moderated Q&A discussion.

15:20 (EST) 

Breakout Session #2 - Options detailed below

“Building Relationship Capital to Empower You and Your Team for Success” with Dr. Elsie Nguyen MD, FRCPC, FCAR, FNASCI 

By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to: 

  • Describe the concept of relationship capital 

  • List 3 reasons why relationship capital is important to individual and team success

  • List 3 activities that can help build relationship capital


"Physicians of Colour: Institutional Betrayal” with Dr. Gaynor Watson-Creed, Dalhousie University

By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to: 

  • Understand the concept of institutional betrayal

  • Identify institutional betrayal

  • Tackle institutional betrayal when it occurs, including risks and benefits


“Women in Interventional Radiology – Challenges and Opportunities” with Dr. Rebecca Hibbert and Dr. Niamh Coffey

By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify the unique challenges and opportunities for women in interventional radiology

  • Learn from the experience of other female interventional radiologists

  • Share strategies to overcome challenges

Interactive learning: 60 minutes interactive session (any option).

16:20 (EST) 

Wrap up Discussion

By the end of this presentation, participants will: 

  • Be familiar with Canadian Radiology demographic data

  • Have new ideas for change

  • Be able to commit to at least one action item for change

Interactive Learning: 40 minutes interactive session

17:00 (EST) 


Note: The steering committee designed the program and education content for this workshop based on feedback from prior workshops, informal interviews with trainees and practicing radiologists, a review of the literature, including position statements and strategic plans. And discussions at prior workshops and on Canadian Radiology Women social media.