Appointments, Promotion and Tenure

Guidelines for faculty members

Appointments, promotion and tenure as well as other terms and conditions for Dalhousie University faculty members are governed by:

Furthermore, the university policy regarding academic appointments is intended to establish a single reference point for all academic appointments made at Dalhousie University. It is intended to clarify the process required by Dalhousie for valid academic appointments.

Also related:

Faculty of Medicine promotion and tenure guidelines

Faculty of Medicine promotion and tenure guidelines are intended as a useful aid to the interpretation of regulations as set out in the Dalhousie University Senate document "University Regulations Concerning Appointments, Tenure and Promotion (1987)" and the "Collective Agreement between the Board of Governors of Dalhousie University and the Dalhousie Faculty Association", but do not supersede these documents.

For members with Continuing Appointments, please refer to the following:

Worksheets for members with Continuing Appointments

The following two worksheets are fillable PDFs. If you're using Firefox for a browser, download the sheets to fill them out.


For members with Tenure-Stream Appointments, please refer to the following:

Worksheets for members with Tenure-Stream Appointments