Faculty Council


Faculty Council, established in 1954, governs the academic affairs of the Faculty of Medicine.  Faculty Council determines policy on academic matters and formulates or approves plans for the academic development of the Faculty of Medicine. It reports its activities to the Faculty, the Dean (who oversees program delivery and administration), and the Senate (the University's academic governing body).


In accordance with the Faculty Council's terms of reference, minutes shall be circulated to all members of Faculty Council and Faculty within two weeks of their approval. 

Faculty Council Minutes

Standing Committees Membership

The Nominating Committee identifies faculty membership on standing committees. Several vacancies on standing committees arise annually due to terms ending (July 1) or changes in commitments.

The Nominating Committee is always seeking expressions of interest from faculty members for upcoming vacancies as active participation by all faculty in the governance of the Faculty of Medicine is essential. The Nominating Committee has an active open form for faculty to place their name for consideration on committees of interest.

Feel free to email us with questions or concerns.

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