Student Life
Get involved
Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick (DMNB) offers you the chance to get involved in the communities around New Brunswick and in Halifax. How? The state-of-the-art technology used by our students enables you to engage with your peers in Halifax and our other distributed sites on a daily basis.
Some of these extra-curricular activities include:
- DMNB PoCUS Club | Students provide accessible resources for novices who are learning to use Point-of-Care Ultrasound (PoCUS).
- Journal Club | Students organize and facilitate a monthly journal article review.
- DalPALS | More information to come
- Global Health | Students organize activities that focus on the discussion of global health issues.
- Making Waves | An organized volunteer program run through New Brunswick schools to teach swimming to students (1 hour time commitment per week).
- Varsity Sports | DMNB students can be involved in varsity sports either at Dalhousie University or at the University of New Brunswick Saint John.
- Heartbeat! and Ceol | Med students and health professionals from the community participate in the choir and Ceilidh band throughout the year and they perform for their peers and the public in both Saint John and Halifax.
- Weekly Meditation Group | A weekly meditation session with Dr. Bill Cook that takes place at locations throughout New Brunswick on Tuesdays at 12 p.m. More information to follow.
- Conditioning and Active Lifestyles in Medicine (CALM) | Open to anyone looking to make fitness part of their daily routine.
- Choosing Wisely NB | Choosing Wisely NB looks to promote Choosing Wisely among students at DMNB as it can lead to good practice and the use of recommendations. They also aim to connect learners with leaders in the field of evidence-based medicine.
- Surgery Interest Group | Surgery Interest group at DMNB looks to educate students on the multitude of skills, lifestyle, sub-specialties, CaRMS match process, and student surgical opportunities available as medical students.
- Womxn in Medicine | Womxn in Medicine Interest Group hosts panel discussions and networking events for students and provides a safe space to learn about the critical role individuals who identify as womxn play in healthcare, as well as the challenges they may face.
- Exercise in Medicine | The Exercise in Medicine Interest Group aims to provide opportunities for medical students to participate in physical activity and learn how exercise can be used in patient care and personal wellbeing. Exercise in Medicine focuses on fostering early inter-professional relationships between health care professionals involved in promoting physical activity as an aspect of treatment or preventative medicine for a variety of patients. Additionally, the group will create ample opportunity for students to partake in physical activity – fun, social, active events that raise awareness of the importance of exercise to health, e.g., intramurals, Yoga and other fitness classes.
- Medical SimuLabs | MedSimulabs is a group started at Memorial University that has since launched campus chapters throughout the country. The aim of the DMNB chapter is to utilize simulation technology to enhance the learning experience for medical students. This includes interactive posters, cadavers, and other means that can enhance the learning of anatomy, simulation-based ophthalmoscopes and ottoscopes, and surgical simulations. Students across all years are able to interact with these cutting edge devices through a variety of workshops and via a leasing library.