Orientation and Overview

The content of this program has been:

  • developed in response to feedback and needs assessments from Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick (DMNB) learners and Faculty
  • tailored to the development of case-based tutors and other small-group facilitated sessions in other domains such as Skilled Clinician sessions and PIER sessions.

This is a new model of delivering tutor orientation and we welcome (need) your feedback. If you have any suggestions related to feedback on the program or other faculty development needs, please let us know either through the evaluation found at the completion of the modules or by contracting DMNB Faculty Development Team.

You may also think of something once you are tutoring and if so, our door is always open. Please feel free to contact us at any time.

Goals and objectives of Tutor Development Program

DMNB Faculty will have the opportunity to:

  • Complete an online, asynchronous Tutor Development Program.
  • Learn best practices for their role as Tutor to enhance learner outcomes.
  • Clarify policies, resources, and available personnel to support their role as Tutor at DMNB.
  • Further develop teaching skills by participating in an annual Faculty Development workshop.

Program features and expectations

  • Module topics will reflect both current trends and practices and respond to feedback of identified related to teaching.
  • All Tutor development asynchronous resources will be accessed online via the DMNB Faculty Development Resource page.
  • Following the completion of the Tutor Development Program, Faculty are required to complete a program evaluation via opinio to (1) assist with needs assessment for year end Tutor workshop and (2) ensure Tutor renumeration.
  • Tutors may be invited to facilitate and present Faculty Development topics to fellow Tutors if a need is identified.

Teaching at DMNB – Policies and support

  • Faculty Appointments: Physicians providing academic support for the delivery of the undergraduate curriculum are required to have a current faculty appointment through the Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University. If you do not have a current faculty appointment, please contact the appropriate person for your site.
  • Support for my role as Teacher:  From entry to exit within your role as teacher, you will be supported locally by DMNB staff and faculty as well as our Halifax colleagues. There are various individuals with whom you will engage with as you move through your role as teacher. Please do not hesitate to reach out at any time. DMNB local contacts.