Alum of the Year

Awarding excellence

Since 1968, we’ve been celebrating retired and active physicians who have made unique and international contributions to clinical practice, teaching, or research. Over the years, we’ve chosen recipients who have been internationally recognized, published, and have participated in national professional and academic societies.

Every fall, the Dalhousie Medical Alumni Association celebrates the careers of our outstanding alumni through the DMAA Alumni Awards. For the first time ever, the award was co-presented to four individuals - all provincial chief medical officers of health. 


2023 Recipient

Dr. Bob Abraham (MD ’92) 

Dr. Abraham epitomizes the relentless pursuit of excellence. He has received accolades as a mentor, teacher and researcher, and is an internationally recognized speaker and visionary in his field. His unwavering commitment to innovation led him to co-found ABK Biomedical. As CEO he raised millions in grants and investment and pioneered the development of revolutionary image-guided cancer treatments. As Canadian Association for Interventional Radiology President and Chair of the RCPSC Radiology Examination, his innovative thinking and dedication to excellence, equality and fairness resulted in transformative organizational changes. He is an ardent advocate and volunteer for social causes. His journey embodies the power of vision, perseverance, and determination, leaving an indelible mark on medicine and the world at large driven by his unyielding passion to improve people's lives. 

Past Award Recipients

  • 2022: Dr. Robert Liwski (MD '03)
  • 2021: Dr. Janice Fitzgerald (PGM '96), Dr. Bonnie Henry (MD '90), Dr. Heather Morrison (MD '99), Dr. Jennifer Russell (PGM '01)
  • 2020: Dr. Robin Roberts (PGM’87)
  • 2019: Dr. Sean Grondin (MD’90)
  • 2017: Dr. David Juurlink (MD’94)
  • 2016: Dr. David Kirkpatrick (MD'79)
  • 2015: Dr. Meng Tan (MD'69)
  • 2014: Dr. Judy Caines (MD'73)
  • 2013: Dr. John Akabutu (MD’67)
  • 2012: Dr. David Dodick (MD’90)
  • 2011: Dr. Franklin H. Sim (MD’65)
  • 2010: Dr. William Stanish (MD’70)
  • 2009: Dr. Dana Hanson (MD’74)
  • 2008: Dr. Roderick McInnes (MD’70)
  • 2007: Dr. Graham F. Pineo (MD’62)
  • 2006: Dr. Nuala P. Kenny (MD’72)
  • 2005: Dr. John Noseworthy (MD’75)
  • 2004: Dr. Allan Purdy (MD’74)
  • 2003: Dr. T.J. “Jock” Murray (MD’63)
  • 2002: Dr. G. Ross Langley (MD’57)
  • 2001: Dr. Robert Roberts (MD’66)
  • 2000: Dr. Anthony R. Measham (MD’65)
  • 1999: Dr. James A. Phills (MD’51)
  • 1998: Dr. Ian Rusted (MD’48)
  • 1997: Dr. George Flight (MD’50)
  • 1996: Dr. Douglas Roy (MD’48)
  • 1995: Dr. David Hawkins (MD’60)
  • 1994: Dr. Eldon Smith (MD’67)
  • 1993: Dr. Kenneth Grant (MD’57)
  • 1992: Dr. Daniel J. Tonning (MD’38)
  • 1991: Dr. Eldon E. Eagles (MD’36)
  • 1990: Dr. Anne Hammerling (MD’34)
  • 1989: Dr. Margaret E. Churchill (MD’60)
  • 1988: Dr. Harry D. Roberts (MD’36)
  • 1987: Dr. J. Fraser Nicholson (MD’37)
  • 1986: Dr. W.R. Carl Tupper (MD’43)
  • 1985: Dr. Harold L. Scammel (MD’27)
  • 1984: Dr. M. Jean Whittier (MD’29)
  • 1983: Dr. I. Roy Gold (MD’38)
  • 1982: Dr. Luther R.Wynter (MD’25)
  • 1981: Dr. Harold J. Devereux (MD’36)
  • 1980: Dr. James B. Crowe (MD’43)
  • 1979: Dr. R. Ian MacDonald (MD’30)
  • 1978: Dr. Carl R. Trask (MD’38)
  • 1977: Dr. J. Percy McGrath (MD’17)
  • 1976: Dr. Walter C. MacKenzie (MD’33)
  • 1975: Dr. Clarence L. Gosse (MD’39)
  • 1974: Dr. Eva W. Mader MacDonald (MD’27)
  • 1973: Dr. F. Murray Fraser (MD’32)
  • 1972: Dr. Edwin F. Ross (MD’31)
  • 1971: Dr. Charles J. Beckwith (MD’27)
  • 1970: Dr. W. Sidney Gilchrist (MD’27)
  • 1969: Dr. Malcolm B. Dockerty (MD’34)
  • 1968: Dr. Clarence M. Bethune (MD’31)