Checklist for a Complete Application

Complete applications ought to be submitted at least eight (8) weeks prior to your event, to allow time to review the application and remedy any deficiencies. We reserve the right to not accredit if the time frame is too close; if we do accredit, additional fees may apply. Please see the Fees table for details.

NOTE: For our office to certify/accredit a program, the Dalhousie Faculty of Medicine must be significantly involved in the planning of the program. Therefore, at least one physician, faculty member of the Dalhousie Faculty of Medicine must be included in the planning committee.  

A complete application includes:

Completed application form(s)

If you are seeking a Certified Assessment and/or Section 3 accreditation, the applicable Certified Assessment and Section 3 application form(s) must be submitted with the standard application form.

Completed COI forms 

For all the scienfific planning committee (SPC) members, speakers, moderators, facilitators, and authors.

Please ensure each form has been fully completed.

The COI forms for speakers/presenters do not have to be submitted with the intial application, but they must be submitted prior to the event. It’s preferred if they are included as part of the initial application.

NOTE: The SPC must review all disclosed financial relationships before the program, to determine whether action is required to manage potential, perceived, or real COIs. The SPC must have procedures in place for if a COI comes to its attention prior to/during the program.

Sample COI Disclosure slides A sample/template of the dlsocure slides that will be used for the program. (These slides should include as much of the specific information for the program as possible.)
Completed Planning Committee Membership (PCM) forms For each of the SPC physician members
Needs assessment documentation

This may include a copy of the needs assessment tool(s) and results, survey results, meeting minutes, speaker selection methods/docs, etc.

All learning objectives

Must be created for the overall program and for each session/activity.

Must be measurable and written from the learner’s perspective, using action verbs to state what the participants will know or be able to do after attending the event

They should start with the phrase “After this event, participants should be able to…” (or something similar).

Verbs that are open to interpretation (like “understand” and “learn”) should be avoided.

See the CFPC’s Quick Tips: Writing Learning Objectives and the RCPSC’s How to Create Learning Objectives for further details and examples.

A (tentative) schedule for the planned sessions throughout the year Only applicable for programs with multiple events throughout the year, such as rounds and series.
A detailed agenda of events

This should include the dates, times, topics, speakers, etc.

Time for Q&A, discussion, and other forms of interactivity must be indicated.

This may be included as part of the draft brochure.

Draft brochure, program, promotional materials, invitations, syllabuses, etc.

Each program is different, but this draft should usually include:

  • Program and/or session title(s)
  • Location(s) and date(s)
  • All learning objectives (overall and session-specific).
  • Detailed agenda of events (with start/end times for educational sessions, interactivity, breaks, etc.)
  • Speaker, facilitator, moderator, etc. names (when applicable)
  • Acknowledgement of sponsors, if applicable
  • Acknowledgement of the SPC members
  • Dalhousie CPDME approval statement and logo (provided in the accreditation package)
  • Applicable draft credit hour statements
    • NOTE: You may not advertise your program as accredited (or that you’re seeking accreditation) until CPDME has approved the program and issued the letter of accreditation.
    • CPDME will provide the final accreditation statement(s) for your program in the letter of accreditation once the program has been approved.
Evaluation survey

Must include questions around:

  • Whether the stated learning objectives were met (both overall and session-specific)
  • If the content was balanced and free from commercial or other inappropriate bias
    • This question should ask if any bias was perceived and, if so, details around the perceived bias.
  • The potential impact of the program for the participants’ practice/knowledge/skills
  • The effectiveness of the learning activity (format, design, facilitators, relevance, etc.) including facilitation and delivery of the activity, and to what extent the instructors/facilitators were able to provide a safe, accessible, and productive learning environment
Speaker communication sample

Including details on the program (e.g. overall program learning objectives, learning methods, presentation duration, Q&A/discussion duration, etc.)

Must address the applicable required topics (evidence, barriers to change, copyright, privacy, COI disclosure, and adherence to guidelines) plus any other topics required by the SPC (information on creating learning objectives is highly recommended).

Copies of the written agreements between the financial/in-kind sponsors and the SPC/physician organization Only applicable if the program is receiving financial and/or in-kind support.
A detailed program budget

Must list all anticipated expenses and sources of revenue (e.g. CPDME accreditation fee, registration fees, sponsorships, rentals, etc.)

State if there are no registration fees.

Names of commercial and non-commercial sources of funding must be listed.

If there are no fees associated with the program, a statement to this effect is required.

Each application form has a checklist near the end listing all the materials required for accreditation. If items from that list are missing from the application package, we will follow up with you to get them. 

If you have questions about any of the requirements, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at