Faculty Wellness

Please use the 'contact us' tab for our contact information if you would like to get involved in any the Faculty of Medicine wellness activities.

Dr Katrina Hurley, Assistant Dean

Dr. Katrina Hurley has practiced Emergency Medicine for over 15 years and is the former Chief of the IWK Emergency Department. Her concern for burnout among health professionals and its impact on creativity and transformation led Katrina to become a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach. Her focus is to reignite physicians' passion for medicine and eliminate the stress, isolation, and loneliness physicians can experience. She is currently the Assistant Dean, Faculty Wellness.

Dr Roberta Preston, Program Manager


Dr. Roberta Preston is the Program Manager for the Faculty Wellness Office. Roberta has a long-standing interest in professional and personal wellbeing which includes a background as an executive coach and a facilitator in team and leadership development. Her education doctorate used a realist evaluation to study the impact of peer coaching on faculty development.