Wellness Implementation Group
The Dalhousie Faculty of Medicine wellness implementation group will work with the Assistant Dean of Faculty Wellness and the Program Manager to develop an overall wellness strategy and help facilitate wellness activities across all departments throughout the Maritimes.
If you like to get involved in the WIG please contact facwell@dal.ca
- Advocate for and influence policy changes that positively impact faculty wellness.
- Consider the contribution of wellness activities alongside key priority areas including equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) initiatives, professionalism, rural locations, etc.
- Provide a forum for regular communication regarding departmental wellness, initiatives, challenges, and successes as well as local, national, and international wellness research/literature.
- Provide feedback to the faculty wellness office about gaps, challenges, and opportunities related to faculty wellness.
- Ensure wellness initiatives are addressing at least some of the seven areas of burnout identified in the literature.