Advisory committees

Strategic advice and direction

The advisory committees oversee our work and provide strategic advice and direction on education, community engagement and diversity. Current membership of our committees includes Dalhousie faculty, staff, students and community members.

For further information on each of our committees contact

Social Accountability Committee

The committee reports to Faculty Council and the dean of medicine to provide advice and recommendations on current and future research, education and operational needs to meet the social accountability mandate within Dalhousie Medical School.

Dalhousie Medicine Social Accountability Statement

Anti-Oppression SubCommittee

Catalysing Systems Change Committee

African Nova Scotian Advisory Committee

The committee seeks to improve health outcomes within the African Nova Scotian community. It also advises the deans of Health, Dentisty and Medicine to fulfill the social accountability mandate to the African Nova Scotian community.

Indigenous Health Advisory Committee

The Committee seeks to increase the representation of Indigenous Students (Inuit, Innu, Mi’kmaq, Maliseet, and other Indigenous groups) in the Atlantic in the three health faculties, support the advancement of Indigenous Health research, address the Truth and Reconciliation Recommendations, and engage with Indigenous community representatives about health-related initiatives at Dalhousie.

Francophone Health Advisory Committee

Service Learning Leadership Team

Diversity in Leadership Working Group