International experiences

Global Health at Dalhousie is grounded in the following principles, drawn from the Canadian Association for Global Health:

  • Authentic partnering
  • Inclusion
  • Shared benefits
  • Commitment to the future
  • Responsiveness to causes of inequities
  • Humility

All students, faculty, and staff at Dalhousie University who travel internationally for various purposes including pursuing scholarly research and academic studies abroad are required to review and follow the Dalhousie University International Travel Policy (2019) [PDF]

Faculty of Medicine

The Office of Community Partnerships and Global Health supports Dalhousie medical students and residents who are completing international global health electives.

As international travel opportunities open again after the pandemic induced pause, the Office of Community Partnerships and Global Health (CPGH) is committed to developing electives and other global health opportunities that align with these principles. Information about the opportunities and application processes will be posted when details are confirmed.

Students and residents may choose to arrange an independent international global health elective opportunity. Independent electives for medical students and residents must be reviewed and approved by the global health office.

Completing an international global health elective as part of your training can be a rewarding experience. As you consider whether you may want to complete an international elective, it is important to think about your motivations and learning objectives. Sometimes, learning objectives can be achieved more effectively by a local global health placement or opportunity and we encourage medical students interested in global health to participate in Service Learning and to consider other local opportunities as well as exploring international options.

To explore your international options please review these webpages and email Elise Sammons, Program Manager, to start the process.

Faculties of Health and Dentistry

We also regularly collaborate with other health programs who are working in global health related areas or who are preparing students for global health elective opportunities. Program Directors and Administrators who are interested in collaborating with us to help prepare students for health-related international electives should contact Elise Sammons, Manager of Global and Planetary Health.