Content Objective: Family Violence

By the end of the Family Medicine Clerkship, the medical student will be able to:

  1. Describe the types of abuse (e.g. emotional, physical, sexual, financial, neglect, etc.)

  2. Identify risk factors contributing to violence (e.g. socio-economic status, pregnancy, termination of relationship, etc.)

  3. Identify signs of abuse when conducting a physical exam (e.g. abnormal bruising pattern, suspicious and unexplained injuries, etc.)

  4. Describe the cycle of abuse and the escalating nature of abuse.

  5. Describe how to assess risk and negotiate a safety plan in collaboration with a patient.

  6. Assess the need for child protection.

  7. Identify signs of imminent violence.

Mandatory Clinical Encounter

  • None

* Where a specific resource is not listed for a particular objective, please refer to recommended general texts/websites. Resources have often been selected from the Clinical Practice Guidelines and Protocols in British Columbia and Alberta’s Towards Optimized Practice Clinical Practice Guidelines. These are often concise summaries of national guidelines.