
A strong commitment to undergraduate and resident teaching

As an undergraduate student, resident or attending physician, you will find our division members to be outstanding teachers who are highly skilled and committed to offering exceptional learning opportunities.

Respirology in undergraduate medical education

Medical students learn respirology clinical skills in small group sessions, a metabolism course, and through respirology rotations. As a clinical clerk, you will work as a member of the respirology team to provide patient care and consultations in a wide variety of inpatient, outpatient and emergency room settings. Electives are available in general and specialized areas of respirology.

Subspecialty respirology training

Through our program, residents are prepared for independent academic and/or community practice in adult respirology. We emphasize the specific CanMEDS core competencies and attaining high-level skills in clinical care, teaching and research in relation to patients with respiratory diseases.

Continuing medical education in respirology

Our division is also actively involved in the development and delivery of continuing medical education programs in respiratory medicine and critical care medicine, including end of life care.

Members of the division play leading roles in national professional bodies such as the Canadian Thoracic Society and Canadian Sleep Society, and are actively engaged in the development and implementation of standards of care. Members participate in the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada respirology subspecialty review process and participate as examiners on the College’s Respirology Examination board.