
Active clinical research for better patient care and outcomes

The Division of Respirology has active research programs in the clinical areas of obstructive lung diseases (COPD, asthma and cystic fibrosis), pulmonary hypertension, sleep disorders, interventional respirology/lung cancer and interstitial lung disease.

Our research team includes three full-time research coordinators, undergraduate and postgraduate trainees in medicine, and has included graduate students in biomedical engineering, physiotherapy and community health and epidemiology.

Our division participates in a number of collaborative national research networks and projects, including:

Additionally, the Division of Respirology is conducting a number of industry-supported clinical trials and has strong links with researchers in Dalhousie University’s School of Biomedical Engineering (Dr. Geoffrey Maksym) and School of Physiotherapy (Dr. Gail Dechman).


Dr. Paul Hernandez
Research director, Division of Respirology
Phone: 902-473-6611