Undergraduate Education

Award-winning teachers, student-centred learning

As a Dalhousie medical student, you will learn from respirologists who are outstanding clinicians and teachers. In Med 2, you will receive in-depth learning of respirology clinical skills in small group sessions. During the Med 2 metabolism course, you will learn basic science and clinical features of the common problems and diseases in respiratory medicine.

In your clerkship years, you will have the opportunity to take a respirology rotation that will help you deepen your understanding of respiratory diseases, gain experience in assessing and managing patients with acute and chronic respiratory diseases, and learn about pulmonary function tests, other respiratory investigations and treatments.

As a clinical clerk, you will work as a member of the respirology team to provide patient care and consultations in a wide variety of inpatient, outpatient and emergency room settings.

Electives are available in Med 1 and Med 2 as well as in clerkship in general respirology or one of the specialized areas of respirology, such as sleep medicine or cystic fibrosis. Electives are longitudinal in Med 1 and Med 2 (one half day per week for one half of the academic year) and for two and four weeks in clerkship.

Learn more about how to apply to Dalhousie Medical School.


Dr. Alex Nelson
Undergraduate program director, Respirology