Applications Open: December 1, 2025
Aplication Deadline: January 31, 2026 (5:00 pm AST)
Funding opportunities for graduate students
Dalhousie Medical School attracts graduate students interested in working alongside some of the brightest researchers in the country.
Faculty of Medicine Graduate Studentship Competition
Studentships are intended to build research capacity within the Faculty of Medicine. Applicants are expected to have strong potential for future research achievement. All reviews and decisions will be grounded in research excellence.
Award value: $15,000 CAD/year for up to 2-years
Eligibility: At the time of award commencement, candidates must be a full-time registered student in a graduate program affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine. The primary supervisor must also be primarily associated with the Faculty of Medicine and have active FGS membership permitting graduate student supervision.
Graduate students must complete and online application.
One supervisor and one reference must provide supporting material (these can not be the same person)
Supervisor must provide a current CV (Tri-Agency CCV Biosketch)
One letter of reference
This can not be the same person as the supervisor. Please consider former professors, supervisors and leaders.
The Supervisor and reference can email these documents to Please do not include Banner numbers in emails and attachments - include the students first and last name in the support document name. If we require additional information we will contact you directly.
All studentships awarded during the 2026 competition will have a start date of September 1st, 2026
Application Requirements
Application form (linked above) including the following attachments:
One page research proposal plus references (1” margins, 12pt font, Times New Roman, single spaced). Potential or direct relevance to human health must be demonstrated in the application.
Applicant’s CV (maximum 5 pages, including headings for degrees, awards, research experience, work experience, publications, presentations, extracurriculars).
Copy of undergraduate and graduate transcripts
One letter of reference
This can not be the same person as the supervisor. Please consider former professors, supervisors and leaders.
Supervisor must provide a current CV (Tri-Agency CCV Biosketch)
At the time of award commencement, candidates must be a full-time registered student in one of the following graduate programs affiliated with Dalhousie University's Faculty of Medicine: Community Health and Epidemiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Physiology and Biophysics, Microbiology and Immunology, Pharmacology, Pathology, Psychiatry, Medical Neuroscience, Biomedical Engineering, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, or Medical Physics.
The primary supervisor must hold their primary appointment with the Faculty of Medicine and have active FGS membership permitting graduate student supervision.
Applicants cannot hold concurrent FoM Graduate Studentships.
Terms of Award
Awards are valued at $15,000/year for up to two years and may be used to top-up students' scholarship support from non-FoM sources to a maximum of $40,000.
Students must maintain registration and good standing in their graduate program for the second year of funding to be released.
The funding start date will be September 1st of the year when the award is accepted.
Awards must be accepted within 5 working days from the date of offer, or the award will be offered to the next fundable applicant.
Successful applicants must have applied to and have accepted any awarded FGS and Scotia Scholar scholarships before accepting FoM Scholarships.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to inform the Medical Research Development Office immediately if they receive scholarship funding from other sources to exceed the funding maximum of $40,000 per year.
Criteria for evaluation
Applications will be screened by the Faculty of Medicine Scholarship Committee for:
Candidate’s abilities (e.g., skills, contributions to research, etc.)
Quality of the proposed research (e.g., scope, clarity, and feasibility of the proposal?
Quality of the research environment (e.g., supervisor’s productivity, availability of research funding, technical support, potential for collaborations)