Developmental Pediatrics

Taking time to understand

Clinical activities

Each year, we see approximately 1,200 children and youth with a wide variety of neurodevelopmental disorders, including:

  • autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • speech/language disorders
  • cognitive disorders
  • learning disabilities
  • syndromes known to be associated with developmental or behavioural difficulties

We provide care primarily in the ambulatory setting, but also do inpatient consultations at the IWK Health Centre.

Teaching activities

Our members are actively involved in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education, continuing professional development and public education. Some psychologists provide research and clinical supervision to master's and doctoral candidates.

Our aim is to provide each trainee with a better understanding of both typical and atypical development.

We offer elective experiences for medical students and postgraduate trainees from Dalhousie University and other Canadian medical schools.

Research interests

Drs. Smith, Bryson and Filliter are extensively involved in autism-related research.

Dr. Smith holds the Joan and Jack Craig Chair in Autism Research. Her interests encompass:

  • the development, health and well-being of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, especially children and youth with ASD
  • longitudinal studies of ASD
  • development and evaluation of interventions for ASD and associated behavioural and mental health problems
  • ASD-related health, education and community services systems and policies

Dr. Filliter is particularly interested in studying how children and adolescents with ASD access and interact with the health care system. Her primary goal is to develop system-, provider- and patient/family-level interventions that will help to ensure that the needs of youth with ASD are met with in our health care system.

Our physician members participate in clinical research with interests in ASD, ADHD, psychopharmacology and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.

Our people

Division members

Associate divisional members

  • Susan Bryson (post-retired), PhD, professor emerita
  • Elizabeth Kay-Raining Bird, PhD, professor

Contact info

Phone: 902-470-8483
Fax: 902-470-7248

Division of Developmental Pediatrics
Department of Pediatrics
Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
IWK Health Centre

5850/5980 University Avenue
PO Box 9700
Halifax, NS  B3K 6R8