
Helping you breathe easier

In the Division of Respirology, we work with children with a variety of breathing related problems. Our efforts include clinical activities conducted out of our respiratory clinic, and educational opportunities for students, residents and patient families.

Clinical activities

Through our respiratory clinic, we provide consultation, and continuing care services, for patients with:

  • asthma
  • cystic fibrosis
  • bronchopulmonary dysplasia
  • primary ciliary dyskinesia
  • neuromuscular disease
  • complex respiratory issues
  • other respiratory disorders

We also coordinate home oxygen services for the IWK Health Centre.

Our cystic fibrosis clinic cares for approximately 105 Maritime children while also providing New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island with travelling clinics.

Care and education are provided by a multidisciplinary health care team consisting of two respirologists, two nurses, two physiotherapists, a dietitian, a social worker, an administrative assistant and a volunteer.

The Cystic Fibrosis Newborn Screening Program for Nova Scotia and New Brunswick started in April 2014.

Education is also an important part of our clinical care. We have a respiratory clinic nurse coordinator who provides asthma education services to the patients and families who are referred to us. Respiratory clinic staff provide evidence-based teaching for the skills needed to manage respiratory conditions at home including airway clearance techniques, using asthma devices and action plans.

Teaching activities

The Division of Respirology, which is located in the IWK Centre’s Respiratory Clinic, is actively involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching at Dalhousie University. We also offer elective opportunities for students at Dalhousie University and other universities. Medical, nursing, physiotherapy, dietician, social worker, dentistry and pharmacy students often attend our clinics.

Research interests

We place considerable emphasis on the importance of clinical research in pediatric respiratory conditions.  

Our people

  • Dimas Mateos-Corral, MD, Division Head
  • Danielle Adam, MD
  • Jeff Wong, MBBS
  • Paula Barrett, CF Clinic nurse coordinator
  • Christine Donnelly, Newborn Screening nurse coordinator
  • Martha Greechan, Respiratory Clinic nurse coordinator
  • Sheri Rose, dietitian
  • Kimbly Morgan, physiotherapist
  • Michele Brake, social worker
  • Tanya Letourneau, administrative assistant
  • Susan Kerslake, CF Clinic volunteer

Contact info

Phone: 902-470-8218
Fax: 902-470-7223

IWK Health Centre
1st floor, Children's site
5850/5980 University Avenue
PO Box 9700
Halifax, NS  
B3K 6R8