GPA Requirement

Dalhousie Medicine Admissions Committee recognizes that the appropriate academic preparation for the study of medicine can be acquired through many varied educational backgrounds.

Applicants should be aware that the undergraduate medical curriculum is a rigorous, full time curriculum. Being able to maintain a full academic schedule with a minimum GPA is strongly recommended as it most likely approximates and prepares applicants for the academic capacity necessary to successfully meet the expectations of the undergraduate medical education curriculum. 

Residents of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island:

Minimum of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale calculated by;

  1. the 60 most recent credit hours of graded (alpha/numerical) courses from a completed or in-progress to be completed 90-120 credit baccalaureate degree. 
  2. OR using up to 15 credit hours of graded (alpha/numerical) courses from a completed or in-progress to be completed graduate degree (Masters or PhD) PLUS the most recent credit hours of graded (alpha/numerical) courses from a completed 90-120 credit baccalaureate degree to total 60 graded credit hours.

Residents of all other Canadian provinces and territories (Other Canadian)

Minimum of 3.7 on a 4.0 scale calculated by;

  1. the 60 most recent credit hours of graded (alpha/numerical) courses from a completed or in-progress to be completed 90-120 credit baccalaureate degree. 
  2. OR using up to 15 credit hours of graded (alpha/numerical) courses from a completed or in-progress to be completed graduate degree (Masters or PhD) PLUS the most recent credit h ours of graded (alpha/numerical) courses from a completed 90-120 credit baccalaureate degree to total 60 graded credit hours. 

Applicants who qualify under the Black Learners Admissions Pathway

There is no minimum GPA requirement.        

Black applicants must demonstrate an ability to meet the academic rigor of medical school. A completed or in-progress to be completed 90-120 credit baccalaureate degree is required, but there is no minimum score required for any component of an application under the Black Learners Admissions Pathway. 

Please see the Black Learners Admissions page for full details 


Applicants who qualify under the Indigenous Admissions Pathway

There is no minimum GPA requirement.        

Indigenous applicants must demonstrate an ability to meet the academic rigor of medical school. A completed or in-progress to be completed 90-120 credit baccalaureate degree is required, but there is no minimum score required for any component of an application under the Indigenous Admissions Pathway. 

Please see the Indigenous Admissions Pathway page for full details 

Please note:

  • Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer term courses are eligible for GPA calculation, provided they contribute to the degree requirements. For example; credits from summer courses that are not part of the 120 credit hour degree requirements are not eligible for GPA calculation. If an elective course contributed to the 120 credit hour degree requirements then it is eligible for GPA caclulation, provided they contribute to the degree requirements. In some cases the Admissions Office may request that the applicant submit a degree audit that confirms which courses contributed to the 90-120 credit hour degree requirements. 
  • Pass/Fail and Credit/No Credit courses will not be included in the GPA calculation. This includes exchange programs and/or semesters abroad. ​If the semester abroad/exchange courses occur within the 60 most recent credit hours and the applicant wishes to include these courses in GPA calculation, then  numerical or alphabetical course grades from the exchange are ​required to be submitted. If alpha-numerical grades for the exchange courses are not reflected on your home university transcript, the applicant is required to obtain a World Education Services (WES) assessment. This WES assessment is required to be submitted as part of the application, by the Section 2 deadline
  • For repeat courses: If both grades for a repeated course fall within the 60 most recent credit hours then both grades will be included in the GPA calculation


    - To view sample transcripts outlining the GPA assessment options above click here

    - In determining your GPA, the OMSAS Undergraduate Grading System Conversion Table is used.

    - Overall GPA is rounded to the nearest tenth

    - If your degree includes exchange courses from another university, numerical course grades       MUST be provided in order to be considered in GPA assessment.  If numerical course grades for   exchange courses are not provided on the official transcript, a World Evaluation  Services assessment is required to be submitted by the Section 2 deadline. 

    - If your degree was granted from an accredited university outside of Canada, official transcripts and a World Evaluation Services assessment is required to be submitted by the Section 2 deadline.



Changes to admission requirements

Admissions requirements are reviewed annually and the admissions requirements from previous years may not apply. Please monitor our website for up-to-date information.