
An exceptional environment for learning and training

As a medical student or core or rotating resident in the Division of Clinical Dermatology and Cutaneous Science, you’ll benefit from an environment that promotes outstanding clinical care, teaching and training and research. Throughout your time in the division, you’ll work closely with our faculty while benefitting from mentoring, daily supervision and graded responsibility.

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National recognition

Our faculty have developed nationally recognized teaching and learning innovations that enhance the educational experience of learners in the Dalhousie programs and beyond.

They include:

  • a series of interactive online dermatology learning modules for family medicine residents that expand lecture content and enhance case presentations and discussions
  • the use of Wimba Classroom which allows residents in all Maritime sites to participate in live, online teaching
  • the co-development of DRIVE (Dermatology Resident Innovation and Vision in Education), a four-day annual course for eligible final-year residents across Canada