Psychiatry Rounds Information

Continuing education activities

After attending the Psychiatry Clinical Academic and University Rounds Series, participants will be able to:

1. Identify recent innovations, advances, discoveries and issues of relevance for educators, clinicians, learners, and scientists.

2. Apply evidence and expert opinion on current topics to education, patient care, and research within the Department of Psychiatry, the IWK and Nova Scotia Health.

Information on weekly rounds will be made available on this page. 

Connect to live Psychiatry Rounds online

Psychiatry Rounds are now distributed using ZOOM.

Join the psychiatry rounds web conference
Passcode: 510555

Click the link and follow the prompts. ZOOM works best with Google Chrome.

Presentations are recorded for DOP member access when consent is given by the presenter(s). A PDF of the presentation slides are made on the TWIP webpage after the presentation also with the presenters consent.

Psychiatry Rounds List

See all rounds listings in the Department of Psychiatry.

Rounds Evaluations: DoP faculty psychiatrists evaluate rounds on the faculty database. Non-Dalhousie faculty Psychiatrists & Non-Psychiatrists also evaluate rounds electronically. Both electronic evaluations are accessed on the TWIP page found at the link above.  

Having trouble attending rounds online? 

NSH members contact the NSH helpdesk for technical assistance at 1-866-224-2555. All others will need to contact their local helpdesk.



Jana Tamm
Education Coordinator
5909 Veterans' Memorial Lane, 8th Floor
Abbie J. Lane Memorial Building
QEII Health Sciences Centre
Halifax, NS   B3H 2E2   CANADA