Common Questions

Have questions? We have answers.

What is the starting salary of a PGY1 at Dalhousie University?

Please see the MarDoc website for more details of the contract.

What are the strengths of the program?

  • family medicine-centred clinical experiences
  • enthusiastic and committed teachers across the Maritimes
  • an annual resident education weekend for residents in the program
  • family medicine is a valued and integral part of the hospitals and communities
  • a great deal of hands-on experience
  • a strong and innovative research division

Does Dalhousie Family Medicine have third-year opportunities?

There are four positions in emergency medicine, one position in health care of the elderly and one position in palliative care. Individualized third-year programs may also be available at a resident’s request and initiative for funding for these self-designed programs.

Throughout my residency, will I have to change locations?

The amount of moving varies for each program site. If you're a Halifax-based resident, you'll spend between two and six months outside of Halifax in your first year. You'll likely be required to spend most of your first year at that site, to allow you to develop both clinical and educational continuity.

In your second year of residency, you'll have more choice when deciding where you want to do your rotations. Thus, the amount of moving depends, in large part, on you.

What is your experience with residents who have partners, spouses and children?

We work hard to support residents who have families. There are a variety of educational and employment opportunities at each site. Resident couples can often have their rotations arranged so they are in the same city at the same time.

Will I be invited for an interview for this residency program?

You'll be notified if an interview can be offered. If you're offered an interview, you may also attend an open house where faculty and resident representatives from all sites are present to answer your questions.

Are interviews mandatory?

Yes, interview scores are calculated into the overall ranking score. Interviews are a great opportunity for you to learn more about our program and can help us get to know you.