International Medical Graduate Clerkship Program

The International Medical Graduate (IMG) Clerkship Program admits two qualified candidates into clerkship (third and fourth year medical students) at Dalhousie Medical School's Halifax campus leading to an MD degree.  Upon completion of the program, students will be eligible to enter the first round of the CaRMS match as a Dalhousie graduate. 

These two positions are offered under the terms and conditions as defined by the Nova Scotia Provincial Government's medical school expansion program. The details of this program include a return for service agreement in a physician resource area of need in Nova Scotia as defined by the Nova Scotia government.  Questions regarding the conditions of the IMG Clerkship program and return of service agreement can be directed to Nova Scotia's Department of Health and Wellness Physician Resources at




All International Medical Graduate (IMG) applicants must meet the following requirements:

Residency Requirement

Are a newcomer to Canada and resident of Nova Scotia. To be eligible as a Nova Scotia resident you must present proof of physically living in the province for at least 12 consecutive months (1 year) prior to the application deadline. 

Medical Degree

Graduated from an international school or college listed in the international education directory.

Official transcripts must be shared by stated application deadlines with Dalhousie Medicine Admissions via Physician's Apply 

Complete MCCQE1

Results must be shared by stated application deadlines with Dalhousie Medicine Admissions via Physician's Apply 

English Language Proficiency

Complete and submit one of the following results via Physician's Apply:

  • IELTS (required minimum score: 7 in each category) OR; 
  • TOEFL iBT (minimum score: 100) OR; 
  • Medical School curriculum was delivered in English language

National Collaboration Assessment (NAC)

Complete (NAC) and maintained a passing grade. Results must be shared by stated application deadlines with Dalhousie Medicine Admissions via Physician's Apply 

Section 2 Online Application

Must complete and submit all mandatory components of Section 2 of the online application by the stated deadline. This will include; 

  • Residential history
  • Education history
  • Medical Practice Assessments
  • Professional Organization Memberships and Licensure
  • Employment History
  • Volunteer Experiences (in past 5 years)
  • Short Answer Question (3500 characters)
  • Upload a current Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Application Process

All International Medical Graduate (IMG) applicants must meet complete the following components of the online application:

1. Complete and submit Section 1 of the online application. 

2. Complete and submit Section 2 of the online application. Section 2 consists of the following information: 

  • Listing residential history since completing medical degree
  • Listing all educational history (post-secondary and professional degrees, diplomas and certificates)
  • Listing all completed assessments of medical practice.
  • Listing all professional organization memberships and licensures. 
  • Employment history.
  • Volunter experiences in the past 5 years (both formal and informal)
  • Short Answer Question (3500 characters max) specific to the IMG clerkship application

Seat Allocation

All eligible IMG applicants may be considered for a limited number of third year positions at the Halifax campus only. 

If the number of applicants exceeds the number of available positions prioritization of selection will be based on;

  • top ranked applicants according to total application score.