Building Knowledge & Skills

Building capacity to support strong and healthy Indigenous communities

As part of the Faculty of Medicine’s commitment to work with Indigenous communities to build robust healthcare capacity, we are working to enrich our undergraduate and postgraduate curricula. Please come back often to learn more about these changes and to see what they will look like for students, residents, faculty, and staff.

Dalhousie IPHE Course: Introduction to Cultural Safety in Healthcare for Indigenous People

Since 2019, one focus of the The ACHH Initiative Team has been creating an opportunity for future health practitioners to incorporate cultural safety into their practice and care for Indigenous children and youth. This resulted in the creation of the Dalhousie IPHE Course: Introduction to Cultural Safety in Healthcare for Indigenous People.

Introduction to Cultural Safety in Healthcare for Indigenous People is required for Dalhousie University medical, pharmacy, nursing, dental hygiene and dentistry students. The main aim of the course is to begin to address the TRC Calls to Action by engaging students to learn about the history of Indigenous People and policies that have impacted Indigenous Peoples health and health seeking behaviors. This introductory course is intended to begin to prepare students for clinical practice through the teachings of historical events, treaties, landmark documents as well as anti-racism training, trauma-informed care approaches and cultural safety.

During the course, three Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) of Canada Calls to Action are attended to:

  • The healthcare system to recognize the value of Aboriginal healing practices (#22)
  • Cultural competency training for all health care professionals (#23)
  • Medical and nursing students in Canada “to require all students to take a course dealing with Aboriginal health issues” (#24)

For additional information please contact:

Online Modules (PGME)

We are working with partners at the local and national levels to provide students and residents with online resources to supplement their learning. Please check back often to learn more about these resources.