Campus Connections

Indigenous Student Centre (ISC)

A supportive environment for Indigenous students

Dalhousie, in partnership with The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq, welcome students to discover outstanding educational and engagement opportunities that will inspire and empower you while helping shape your future. For more information please visit the Indigenous Student Centre website.

The Indigenous Student Centre (ISC) helps create a sense of belonging to support your success while at Dalhousie. Our Indigenous Student Advisor provides support and advocacy for all of Dalhousie’s Indigenous students. We welcome you to make use of our personal, educational, and career resources to enhance your university experience:

  • Tutoring, study skills and writing development
  • Cultural activities
  • Scholarship and bursary information
  • Educational and information sessions
  • Networking opportunities
  • Referrals to supports on and off campus

Indigenous Advisory Council (IAC)

An Advisory council that advocates on behalf of Indigenous staff and students

The Indigenous Advisory Council is a strategic body made of Indigenous Staff and Students that provides advice to the senior administration of the university and others. It also advocates for initiatives to be considered by the university.

The Indigenous Council meets regularly to discuss strategic approaches to issues, processes and policies that impact Indigenous peoples across the University. Members of the Council discuss issues from diverse Indigenous perspectives while also bringing forward specialist knowledge and recommendations from their respective units.

Decisions and recommendations are brought forward to appropriate university bodies for consideration, approval and implementation.

If you have an issue or a topic that you wish to be heard by the IAC please send them to

Dalhousie Medical Student Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Creating a diverse and inclusive community within Dalhousie Medical School

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee’s work is guided by the Faculty of Medicine Social Accountability Statement, which defines the elements and dimensions of diversity as age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation/identity/expression, ability-disability, income, health literacy, religion/spirituality, geographical location and language.

The objectives of the Student Diversity and Inclusion Committee are:

  1. To provide a forum for stakeholders to discuss issues of diversity and inclusiveness within the context of Dalhousie Medical School.
  2. To serve as a liaison between other organizations that are dedicated to the interests of diverse individuals within the Faculty of Medicine.
  3. To strengthen the connection between underrepresented populations within the medical school.
  4. To increase awareness for issues of diversity and inclusiveness among decision-making bodies within the Faculty of Medicine.
  5. To promote a more diverse and inclusive community within Dalhousie Medical School.

Indigenous Health Advisory Committee

If you are interseted in participating in the Indigenous Health Advisory Committee please contact Faith Julien, Program manager.

Indigenous Health Interest Group (IHIG)

Improving knowledge, awareness and action on Indigenous health

The Indigenous Health Interest Group (IHIG) is an interdisciplinary group of Indigenous and non-Indigenous students from across the health professions with a common goal of improving knowledge, awareness and action on Indigenous health and related topics at Dalhousie University.

Members of Indigenous Health Interest Group (IHIG) work on achieving the following objectives:

  1. Improving the knowledge, attitudes and practices of students in the health professions related to Indigenous health.
  2. Working as an interdisciplinary team on projects with tangible outcomes related to Indigenous health on campus.
  3. Developing an understanding of the roles and capacities of various health professionals in advocating for system change, better health outcomes and adequate representation of Indigenous people in the health professions.

For more information please visit the Indigenous Health Interest Group website.


If you are interested in receiving support from the Indigenous Program or for more information please complete the Indigenous Health support form.