John Hanly, MD, FRCPC

Research Topics:
- rheumatology
- pathogenic mechanism
- rheumatoid arthritis
- lupus
- lupus erythematosus
- nervous system
Related information
- MD (University College Cork, National University of Ireland)
- Internship (University College Cork, National University of Ireland)
- Research fellowship, Rheumatology (University College Dublin)
- Fellowships, Immunology & Rheumatology (University of Toronto)
- Research fellowship, Immunology (McMaster University)
Research interests
Dr. Hanly’s major research foci are pathogenic mechanisms and clinical outcomes in systemic lupus erythematosus, with emphasis on how lupus affects the brain and other parts of the nervous system. Dr. Hanly also collaborates on studies of pathogenic mechanisms in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. He belongs to several national and international research networks involving clinical studies of systemic lupus erythematosus.
Selected publications
- JG Hanly, L Su, MB Urowitz, J Romero-Diaz, C Gordon, SC Bae, S Bernatsky, AE Clarke, DJ Wallace, JT Merrill, DA Isenberg, A Rahman, EM Ginzler, M Petri, IN Bruce, MA Dooley, P Fortin, DD Gladman, J Sanchez-Guerrero, K Steinsson, R Ramsey-Goldman, MA Khamashta, CAranow, GS Alarcón, BJ Fessler, S Manzi, O Nived, GK Sturfelt, AA Zoma, RF van Vollenhoven, M Ramos-Casals, G Ruiz-Irastorza, SSam Lim, KC Kalunian, M Inanc, DL Kamen, CA Peschken, S Jacobsen, A Askanase, J Buyon, C Theriault, K Thompson, V Farewell. Mood Disorders in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Results from an international, inception cohort. Arthritis and Rheumatology 2015:67; 1837-1847.
- JG Hanly, K Thompson, C Skedgel. Identification of Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Administrative Healthcare Databases. Lupus 2014; 23:1377-1382.
- JG Hanly, MB Urowitz, AG O’Keffee, C Gordon, SC Bae, J Sanchez-Guerrero, J Romero-Diaz, AE Clarke, S Bernatsky, DJ Wallace EM Ginzler, DA Isenberg, A Rahman, JT Merrill, M Petri, PR Fortin, DD Gladman, BJ Fessler, GS Alarcón, IN Bruce, MA Dooley, K Steinsson, MA Khamashta, R Ramsey-Goldman, S Manzi, GK Sturfelt, O Nived, AA Zoma, RF van Vollenhoven, M Ramos-Casals, C Aranow, M Mackay, G Ruiz-Irastorza, KC Kalunian, S Lim, M Inanc, DL Kamen, CA Peschken,S. Jacobsen, C Theriault, K Thompson and V Farewell. Headache in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Results from a prospective, international, inception cohort study. Arthritis and Rheumatism 2013; 65(11):2887-2897.
- JG Hanly, L Su, A Omisade, V Farewell, JD Fisk. Screening for Cognitive Impairment in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Journal of Rheumatology 2012:39(7):1371-77.
- JG Hanly, MB Urowitz, L Su, C Gordon, S-C Bae, J Sanchez-Guerrero, J Romero-Diaz, D J Wallace, A E Clarke, E.M. Ginzler, JT Merrill, DA Isenberg, A Rahman, M Petri, PR Fortin, D D Gladman, I N Bruce, K Steinsson, MA Dooley, MA Khamashta, GS Alarcón, BJ Fessler, R Ramsey-Goldman, S Manzi, AA Zoma, GK Sturfelt, O Nived, C Aranow, M Mackay, M Ramos-Casals, RF van Vollenhoven, KC Kalunian, G Ruiz-Irastorza, S Lim, DL Kamen, CA Peschken, M Inanc, C Theriault, K Thompson and V Farewell. Seizure disorders in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Results from an international, prospective, inception cohort study. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2012:71:1502-09.
Dr. John Hanly is a professor of medicine and pathology and director of the Dalhousie University Lupus Clinic in the Division of Rheumatology. He was the first research director for the Department of Medicine until 2019. He is an accomplished researcher with more than 120 peer-reviewed publications in subspecialty journals and 75 other publications and is a frequent presenter and guest speaker at national and international scientific meetings.
- Member, Medical Advisory Committee, Lupus Canada (2001 – present)
- Member, Research Ethics Committee, Nova Scotia Health Authority, Central Zone (2006 – present)
- Member, Medical Advisory Committee, Lupus Society of Nova Scotia (1990 – present)
- Member, Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics Committee (1991 – present)
- Member, Canadian Network for Improved Outcomes in SLE (CaNIOS) (2002 – present)
Selected awards & honours
- Excellence in (Postgraduate) Teaching Award, Dalhousie University, Department of Medicine (1995, 2006)
- Jeff Shiroky Award in Rheumatology, Laurentian Conference on Rheumatology (2006)
- Excellence in Education Award, Department of Medicine (2006)
- Sally Drummond Lecture Award, Lupus Canada and the Canadian Network for Improved Outcomes in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (2008)
- Lifetime Achievement Award, Department of Medicine (2011)