Infectious Diseases

Wait times

Triage category Standard wait time Average wait time*

Infectious Diseases

Urgent 3 days #N/A
Semi-Urgent 1 14 days 13.8 days
Semi-Urgent 2 56 days 48.5 days
Non-Urgent 1 84 days 80.5 days
Non-Urgent 2 140 days 127.7 days
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#N/A - shown if less than six encounters

* Includes data up to December 31, 2023

Triage criteria and referral process for physicians

Infectious Diseases

Criteria (not all inclusive)
  • Meningitis
  • Malaria
1) PHONE 902-473-2220 "ID Physician on call"
Criteria (not all inclusive)
  • Acute febrile illness NYD
  • Acute febrile illness with focus
  • Fever in traveller
1) FAX referral marked URGENT
  • Provide direct number to contact referring physician
  • Requested blood work (see below)
Semi-Urgent 1
Criteria (not all inclusive)
  • Pulmonary TB
FAX or MAIL referral
  • Provide direct number to contact referring physician
  • Requested blood work (see below)
Semi-Urgent 2
Criteria (not all inclusive)
  • Chronic fever NYD (> 4 weeks)
  • HIV
  • Infected foot ulcer
  • Latent TB in immune compromised host
  • Recurrent C. difficile
1) FAX or MAIL referral
  • Provide direct number to contact referring physician
  • Requested blood work (see below)
Non-Urgent 1
Criteria (not all inclusive)
  • Mycobacterium avium infection
  • Post-Lyme symptoms
  • Recurrent cellulitis
1) FAX or MAIL referral
  • Provide direct number to contact referring physician
  • Requested blood work (see below)
Non-Urgent 2
Criteria (not all inclusive)
  • Chronic HBV
  • Chronic HCV
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Immigrant screening
  • Latent TB in immune competent host
  • Recurrent HSV/VZV
  • Recurrent UTI
 FAX or MAIL referral
  • Provide direct number to contact referring physician
  • Requested blood work (see below)


Requested laboratory tests for referrals

Acute febrile illness NYD CBC & diff; ALT, AST, total bili, alk phos, GGT, BUN, Cr, CK; urinalysis; aerobic blood C/S x 2; CXR
Acute febrile illness with focus CBC & diff; ALT, AST, total bili, alk phos, GGT, BUN, Cr, CK; urinalysis; aerobic blood C/S x 2; CXR; cultures from focus where appropriate
Chronic diarrhea Stool O&P x 3 (different days); stool C/S x 1
Chronic fever NYD (> 4 weeks) CBC & diff; ALT, AST, total bili, alk phos, GGT, BUN, Cr, CK; urinalysis; aerobic blood C/S x 2; CXR; take temp BID until appt & bring temp record to appt
Chronic HBV HBsAg; HBeAg; ±HIV; HCV; total HAV Ab (not IgM); CBC & diff; INR/PTT; ALT, AST, total bili., alk phos, total protein, albumin
Chronic HCV HCV serology; HBsAg & Ab; HAV total Ab; CBC & diff; INR/PTT; ALT, AST, total bili., alk phos, total protein, albumin
Fever in traveler CBC & diff; ALT, AST, total bili, alk phos, GGT, BUN, Cr, CK; urinalysis, aerobic blood C/S x 2; CXR, malaria smear OD x 2; HBsAg; Stool for C/S x 1
HIV CD4; HIV viral load; CBC & diff, blood chemistries; HBsAg & Ab; HCV; toxoIgG; RPR
Latent TB (positive PPD) CXR – PA + lateral
Malaria Malaria smear; CBC & diff; lytes, BUN, Cr, alk phos, glucose
Post acute infection fatigue CBC & diff; ALT, AST, total bili, alk phos, GGT, BUN, Cr, CK; urinalysis
Recurrent HSV Nil
Recurrent UTI Recent urinalysis + urine C/S


Contact information

Phone 902-473-5553
Fax 902-473-7394
Mailing address Division of Infectious Diseases
5820 University Avenue
Room 5014 Dickson Building
Halifax, NS B3H 1V7
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