Palliative Medicine

Wait times

Triage category Standard wait time Average wait time*

Palliative Medicine

Urgent 2 days 4.3 days
Non-Urgent 14 days 18.6 days
  View chart [PDF - 81 KB]

* Includes data up to December 30, 2023

Triage criteria and referral process for physicians

Palliative Care Service
Urgent Consultation
Criteria (not all inclusive)
  • Pain/symptoms > 5/10 in severity
  • Patient/family could benefit from more intensive support at end of life, when death is imminent (< 7 days)
  • At the discretion of the referring health professional (requires contact with Palliative Care physician or nurse)
1) PHONE Palliative Care team member
2) FAX referral
3) Minimum required information
  • Patient Name
  • Health Card Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Patient Address
  • Patient Phone Number
  • Diagnosis
  • Reason for Referral
  • Referring health professional contact information
Non-Urgent Enrollment
1) Patient’s illness is such that death within twelve months would not be surprising,
2) Patient’s primary physician agrees with referral and will actively participate in care,
3) One or more of the following apply:
  • Patient requires end-of-life care
  • Patient could benefit from assessment and management of pain or other symptoms
  • Patient/family could benefit from home care services
  • Patient/family could benefit from assistance with decision-making regarding goals or treatments
  • Patient/family could benefit from psychosocial or spiritual support to enhance their ability to cope with the illness
1) PHONE Palliative Care team member
2) FAX referral
3) Minimum required information
  • Patient Name
  • Health Card Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Patient Address
  • Patient Phone Number
  • Diagnosis
  • Reason for Referral
  • Referring health professional contact information


Contact information

Phone 902-473-3119
Fax 902-473-3103
Location Palliative Care Unit
7A Centennial Building, VG Site
Palliative Medicine Specialists View list of physicians


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