Abraham  Nunes

Assistant Professor

Email: nunes@dal.ca
Phone: 902-473-2585
Mailing Address: 
Mood Disorders Clinic, Room 3083B
5909 Veterans Memorial Lane
3rd Floor, AJLB
Halifax, NS B3H 2E2
Research Topics:
  • Computational psychiatry
  • Computational neuroscience
  • Machine Learning
  • Heterogeneity
  • Personalized Medicine
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Lithium

Related information


Google Scholar Profile

• Updated CV can be found on personal website.


BSc ’09 (University of Western Ontario)
MD ’14 (University of Alberta)
MBA ’14 (University of Alberta)
PhD ’20 (Dalhousie University)
FRCPC Psychiatry ’21 (Dalhousie University)

Research interests

Dr. Nunes runs the Computational Psychiatry Laboratory at Dalhousie University. His work uses both theory-driven (computational modeling of psychopathology) and theory-free (advanced statistics and machine learning) approaches to study the computational pathophysiology and heterogeneity of mental illnesses, particularly bipolar disorder.

Selected publications

  • Nunes A, Stone W, Ardau R, Berghoefer A, Bocchetta A, Chillotti C, et al. Exemplar Scoring Identifies Genetically Separable Phenotypes of Lithium Responsive Bipolar Disorder. Translational Psychiatry. 2021;11:36
  • Stone W, Nunes A, Akiyama K, Akula N, Ardau R, Aubry JM, et al. Prediction of Lithium Response using Genomic Data. Scientific Reports. 2021;11:1155
  • Nunes A, Alda M, Bardouille T, Trappenberg T. Representational Rényi Heterogeneity. Entropy. 2020; 22(417): 1-30
  • Nunes A, Trappenberg T, and Alda M. The Definition and Measurement of Heterogeneity. Translational Psychiatry. 2020;10:299
  • Nunes A, Schnack HG, Agartz I, Akudjedu T, Alda M, Alnaes D, et al. Using structural MRI to identify bipolar disorders – 13 site machine learning study in 3020 individuals from the ENIGMA Bipolar Disorder Working Group. Molecular Psychiatry. 2018;Aug 31: 1-14

Selected awards and honours

  • 2021 – Best Work in Clinical Research by a Resident, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
  • 2018 – Killam Postgraduate Scholarship, Killam Trusts & Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
  • 2018 – Scotia Scholars PhD Scholarship, Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation
  • 2016 and 2017 Clerks’ Choice Award for Outstanding Teaching Contributions by a Resident, Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University