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Cynthia Calkin

Associate Professor

Phone: 902-473-2585
Mailing Address: 
Mood Disorders Clinic
Room 3095, AJLB
5909 Veterans Memorial Lane
Halifax, NS B3H 2E2
Research Topics:
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Lithium
  • Psychoneuroendocrinology
  • Clinical research
  • Outcome
  • Pharmacogenetics
  • Insulin resistance

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BSc, cum Laude (Dalhousie University)
MD (Dalhousie University)
CCFP (Dalhousie University)
FRCPC (Dalhousie University)

Research interests

Dr Calkin’s research interests include metabolic and neuroendocrine disorders in patients with bipolar disorder. This includes examining the effects of obesity, insulin resistance and type II diabetes on course and outcome in bipolar disorder, including response to lithium and effect on brain changes on neuroimaging.

Selected publications  

  • C. Calkin, M. Alda. Insulin resistance in bipolar disorder - relevance to routine clinical care.  Bipolar Disorders Aug 2015, solicited manuscript, early online doi: 10.1111/bdi.12330
  • C. Calkin, M. Růžičková, R. Uher, T. Hajek, C. Slaney, J. Garnham, C. O’Donovan, M. Alda, Insulin resistance and outcome in bipolar disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry, 2015 Jan;206(1):52-7.DOI: 10.1192/bjp.bp.114.152850
  • C. Calkin, D. Gardner, T. Ransom, M. Alda: The relationship between bipolar disorder and type 2 diabetes: more than just comorbid disorders. Annals of Medicine 2013; 45: 171–181. Early online April 2012.
  • C. Calkin, M. Alda. Beyond bipolar guidelines: Practical issues in long term treatment with lithium. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Jul 2012; 57, 7.
  • C. Calkin, C. van de Velde, M. Ruzickova, C. Slaney, J. Garnham, T. Hajek, C. O’Donovan, M. Alda. Can body mass index help predict outcome in patients with bipolar disorder?  Bipolar Disorders 2009 August; 11:650-656.


Dr Calkin divides her time between clinical practice and research. Her interest in the interplay between bipolar disorder and medical co-morbidity stems from her experience in family practice, where she practiced medicine for ten years prior to entering the field of psychiatry.  She currently works in the Mood Disorders Program.


Dr Calkin is a member of the International Group for the Study of Lithium treated patients (IGSLi), the Pharmacogenomics of lithium response in Bipolar Disorder (PGBD) research group and the International Society for Bipolar Disorders.

Service & Activity

Dr Calkin writes articles for the Bipolar Registry Newsletter, a free publication for patients, families, physicians and allied healthcare providers. She also has spoken to patient-facilitated groups such as the Bipolar Support Alliance and From Recovery to Discovery and the physician-facilitated Women in Psychiatry group as an invited guest.


Dr. Calkin teaches medical students and psychiatry residents.
