Lori Wozney
Sun Life Chair Youth Mental Health; Assistant Professor

Email: lori.wozney@dal.ca
Phone: 902.719.9285
Mailing Address:
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health
- Health Systems
- Mental Health Services and Outcomes
- Integrated Youth Services
- Health Equity
- Digital Health
- Transdisciplinary Research
Related information
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=0FxyepkAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
- ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lori-Wozney
BA (Mount Saint Vincent University)
MA (Concordia University)
PhD (Concordia University)
PDF (IWK Health)
Research interests
Professor Wozney’s research interests include learning health systems, health equity, digital health, co-design methods with youth, and community-based integrated youth services. Through diverse national and international transdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships her research teams enable new perspectives, solutions and impacts for complex mental health system challenges.
Selected publications
- Adu M, Banire B, Dockrill M, Ilie A, Lappin E, McGrath PJ, Munro S, Myers K, Obuobi-Donkor G, Orji R, Pillai Riddell R, Wozney L, Yisa V. Centering equity, diversity, and inclusion in youth digital mental health: Findings from a research, policy, and practice knowledge exchange workshop. Frontiers in Psychiatry - Digital Mental Health, 2024
- LaMarre, A., Couturier, J., Dimitropoulos, G. Jones, S, Kumar S, Obeid N, Wozney L. Peer support for eating disorders in Canada: program user perspectives. J Eat Disord 12, 133 (2024).
- MacDougall S, Jerrott S, Clark S, Campbell LA, Murphy A, Wozney L. Text Message Interventions in Adolescent Mental Health and Addiction Services: Scoping Review JMIR Ment Health 2021;8(1):e16508
- Wozney L, Huguet A, Bennett K, Radomski AD, Hartling L, Dyson M, McGrath PJ, Newton AS How do eHealth Programs for Adolescents With Depression Work? A Realist Review of Persuasive System Design Components in Internet-Based Psychological Therapies. J Med Internet Res 2017;19(8):e266
- Wozney, L., Newton, A.S., Gehring, N.D. et al. Implementation of eMental Health care: viewpoints from key informants from organizations and agencies with eHealth mandates. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 17, 78 (2017).