Phil Tibbo

Phone: 902-473-1678
Mailing Address:
Room 3030, 3rd Floor, AJLB
5909 Veterans Memorial Lane
Halifax, NS B3H 2E2
- Addictions
- Schizophrenia
- Magnetic resonance spectrocsopy (MRS)
- First episode psychosis
- Early interventions
- Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)
- Clinical research
- Brain imaging
Related information
- Nova Scotia Early Psychosis Program
- Dr. Tibbo is the Dr. Paul Janssen Chair in Psychotic Disorders, the Director, Nova Scotia Early Psychosis Program and the Co-Director, Nova Scotia Psychosis Research Unit
- CV [PDF - 390KB]
B.Sc. Honours - Mount Allison University, NB
B.Med.Sc. - Memorial University of Newfoundland MD - Memorial University of Newfoundland
FRCPC - University of Alberta, Psychiatry AHFMR - Clinical Research Fellow, University of Alberta Psychiatry
Research interests
Dr. Tibbo investigates psychosis/schizophrenia in the areas of neuroimaging (MRS, DTI), genetics, and non-pharmacological treatment options for schizophrenia. Other projects include the development of a relapse prediction tool for use by clinicians and family members; a tool for monitoring medication side effects; and service delivery/national guidelines for early phase psychosis.
Selected publications
- Tibbo, P., Bernier, D., Hanstock, C.C., Seres, P., Lakusta, B., Purdon, S. (2013) 3-T proton magnetic spectroscopy in unmedicated first episode psychosis: A focus on creatine. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 69:613-620.
- Malla A, Tibbo P, Chue P, Levy E, Manchanda R, Teehan M, Williams R, Iyer S, Roy M. (2013) Long-acting injectable antipsychotics: Recommendations for clinicians. Can J Psychiatry 2013;58 (5 Suppl 1):30S-35S.
- Crocker CE, Bernier D, Hanstock C, Lakusta B, Purdon SE, Seres P, Tibbo PG. (2014) Prefrontal glutamate levels in early phase schizophrenia and abstinant methamphetamine addiction: A 1H-MRS study at 3 Tesla. Schizophrenia Research 2014 Aug; 157 (1-3):231-7.
- Cookey J, Bernier D, Tibbo P. (2014) White matter changes in early phase psychosis and cannabis use: an update and systematic review of diffusion tensor imaging studies. Schizophrenia Research 2014 Jul; 156(2-3):137-42.
- Tibbo P, Malla A, Manchanda R, Williams R, Joober R. (2014) Relapse Risk Assessment in Early Phase Psychosis: The Need for a Reliable and Valid Tool. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. (In press)
Selected awards and honors
- 2000-2005 - REACH Innovation Award (Recognition of Excellence and Achievement in Capital Health) - Edmonton Early Psychosis Intervention Clinic (EEPIC)
- 2000-2001-2004/2005 - 2008 -Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) Clinical Investigator Award
- 2012 - Mental Health Commission of Canada 5th Anniversary National Mental Health Awards - Research. “Understanding the link between cannabis and psychosis: An awareness strategy for youth” [research lead on project run in collaboration with the Schizophrenia Society of Canada]
- 2013 - Fellow of the Canadian Psychiatric Association awarded by Canadian Psychiatric Association
- 1993-present Canadian Psychiatric Association
- 1997-present Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
- 1999-present Society of Biological Psychiatry
- 2011-present Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS)
- 2013-present Canadian Consortium for Early Intervention in Psychosis
- Postdoctoral (6)
- PhD (3)
- MSc (6)
Service & Activity
- 2004-2010 Vice-Chair/Chair, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) Examination Committee and Board for Psychiatry
- 2012-present Chair, Schizophrenia Society of Canada Foundation
- 2014 Co-Chair, Capital Health Addictions and Mental Health Program (CHAMHP) - Quality Council
- 2014 Co-Chair, Capital Health Addictions and Mental Health Program (CHAMHP) – Pathways Redesign Project for Psychosis
- 2014 Board Member – Canadian Consortium for Early Intervention in Psychosis