Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Supporting mental health in children and adolescents

The Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Dalhousie University is located at the IWK Health Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia. There are approximately 17 academic child and adolescent psychiatrists with a wealth of experience and expertise in patient care, education, research and advocacy.

Our doctors work as part of the IWK Mental Health and Addictions Program (MHAP), which provides a full range of mental health and psychiatric treatment services for children, adolescents and their families, and is the only mental health program in the Halifax district.

Psychiatric services are integrated within the IWK Mental Health and Addictions Program services as part of an interdisciplinary treatment team including: community mental health clinics, specific care clinics, adolescent and child intensive services, addictions services, forensics services, emergency psychiatry service and an acute inpatient psychiatry unit.

Learn more about what we do.

Contact us

Name Email Title
Dr. Alexa Bagnell alexa.bagnell@iwk.nshealth.ca Chief of Psychiatry, IWK Mental Health and Addictions Program
Head, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Supriya D'Penha Supriya.DPenha@iwk.nshealth.ca Administrative Manager, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry


Contact information:
IWK Health Centre, Department of Psychiatry
5850/5980 University Avenue, PO Box 9700
Halifax, NS  B3K 6R8
Tel: 902-470-8375
Fax: 902-470-7893