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Global Health Interdisciplinary Symposium

Posted by GHO Admin on June 9, 2015 in Events

Conference Dates: Nov 20 & 21, 2015
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Equality Development and Globalization

The central goal of this two-day symposium is to catalyze the exchange and cross pollination of ideas and research on the interdisciplinary factors, impediments, and solutions to the advancement of global health. We believe that where multiple perspectives come together around some of the world’s largest problems, we will find the greatest potential for impactful global health solutions. Learn more via the links below.

Although global health research and practice began as a primarily medical enterprise grounded in tropical medicine and public hygiene, the last decade has seen a significant change. Increasingly, it has become apparent that a confluence of factors, including but not limited to, good governance, effective economic infrastructures, and functional legal systems are central to building a robust framework to support a successful long term global health agenda.

While extensive resources have been committed to understanding the public health factors driving successful global health change, the conversation on interdisciplinary multifactorial drivers of global health has only just begun. The central goal of this two-day symposium is to catalyze the exchange and cross pollination of ideas and research on the interdisciplinary factors, impediments, and solutions to the advancement of global health. We believe that where multiple perspectives come together around some of the world’s largest problems, we will find the greatest potential for impactful global health solutions.

For more information please see the conference website.