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Friday, February 12, 2021
Survey closes: March 26, 2021. Réseau Santé–Nouvelle-Écosse, Nova Scotia Health, IWK Health and Acadian Affairs and Francophonie would like your opinion and suggestions on French language training and the tools used to support health professionals and employees when they provide care and services in French.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Submission Deadline: Feb 5, 2016. The Mitacs Globalink Research Award provides funding to support senior undergraduate and graduate student research projects abroad.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Closing Date: Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. Toronto, Ontario. The Every Woman Every Child Innovation Marketplace, a joint initiative between Grand Challenges Canada, USAID, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other partners, is currently recruiting for the position of Scientific Associate - Grand Challenges Fellow (up to 3 positions).
Monday, August 24, 2015
Deadline for application: October 15, 2015. Clinical faculty members* in a Canadian faculty of health sciences/medicine (or equivalent), who are members of CAME, seeking funding for scholarly projects related to medical education are encouraged to submit applications. .
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Summer - Fall 2015. The following is a listing of Calls for Applications to global health research funding opportunities available to CCGHR members. This is a component of the Funding Road Map (FRM), a resource which is now available for all members to access.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Deadlines: various dates in 2015. The Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development website has various open calls for proposals that may be of interest. For each specific call pertaining to international development initiatives, there will be a specific application form posted to help applicants respond to the specific requirements of that call. For example, some calls will only be open to Canadian organizations. Some calls may specify that DFATD will only consider initiatives in a particular country or a particular sector.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Survey Closing: Friday July 17 @ 5pm. Have your say! We are planning for next year and would like your opinion on priorities for 2015-2016. We have created a survey that will take about 5 minutes to complete and the information will only be used to guide our planning process. We value your input and will use it to guide the global health environment at Dalhousie University. If you have questions, contact
Monday, May 11, 2015
Professor project proposals due: June 18, 2015, by 5 p.m. PDT. Globalink Research Internships dates: May to Sept. 2016. The Mitacs Globalink Research Internship is a competitive initiative for international undergraduates from Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Turkey and Vietnam. From May to September of each year, top-ranked applicants participate in a 12-week research internship under the supervision of Canadian university faculty members in a variety of academic disciplines.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Application Deadline: May 15, 2015. Could your ideas have an impact on the health or physical activity of North Americans? Are you seeking additional funding for your research? McGill University’s Faculty of Education is pleased to announce the call for applications for the 2015 Bloomberg Manulife Prize for the Promotion of Active Health. This important annual academic prize, valued at $50,000 CDN, recognizes an academic whose research has contributed to understanding how factors such as physical activity, nutrition, fitness or psychosocial context can influence personal health and well-being, and whose work could have a positive impact on our behaviour and lifestyle choices.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Application Deadline: April 1, 2015 The Power of the Arts in Family Medicine Fellowship supports individuals or teams who are engaged in research related to the inclusion of arts in family practice, at the individual or community level, as a means to foster social inclusion, recovery, health and well-being. A requirement would be that at least one CFPC family physician member be part of the team.