Clinical Webinar Series

Webinars offer a convenient way to stay current and informed without taking time out for travel. And since most of our live webinars take place at 8 pm, you will not have to lose any of your workdays. As a Nova Scotian physician, you'll benefit from an annual series of live, one-hour, Mainpro+ accredited programs. These sessions are interactive and allow you to ask experts about a variety of highly relevant topics.

If you miss a webinar that interests you, it's easy to catch up. As long as the facilitator gives permission, you'll find recordings of the presentations posted below for two months after the event.

On occasion, we use webinars to pass on important messages from the Department of Health and Wellness.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness for our webinar series.

Receiving Credits

To receive Mainpro+ Credits, which you can then claim from the CFPC, you must complete the survey distributed at each Webinar. The survey will be open for one week after the session. 

CPDME-accredited Activity Reports are produced based on request. To request a record of your credits, please email, and give us the period for which you would like this information.

To access the Microsoft Teams Webinar

Join on your computer or mobile app using the link in the table below (No registration required)

To attend the online presentation, you will need:

  • Computer with internet access, high-speed preferred, but not required
  • Computer speakers or headset – required to hear the presentation
  • Microsoft Teams app - Download Microsoft Teams

Upcoming Webinars

Please check back, as webinars are booked for the 24-25 academic year, starting in September. Thank you!

Date/Time Topic Speaker

Handouts and Video Links from previous presentations

June 20 Choosing Wisely within the Realm of Clinical Testing, Both Lab and DI with Dr. Katie Gardner | Recording Link | Handout

Recordings are posted for two months. Please contact if you are seeking a recording link that is not listed.

Need more information?
