Pathobiology of Cancer

Building a better understanding

In the Department of Pathology, cancer biology is a strong research focus. Our researchers work together to develop a deeper understanding of cancer biology, so that we’re better equipped to treat it. We focus on a number of areas including:

  • the basic mechanisms of cancer development and progression
  • the biological markers for diagnosing cancer and predicting treatment outcomes
  • the mechanisms of tumour metastasis
  • the mechanisms of chemotherapy resistance and development of novel therapeutics
  • the viral oncolytic therapy and cancer immunotherapy
  • novel animal models for studying cancer using mice and zebrafish
  • the identification and targeting of cancer stem cells

Our researchers

Dr. Graham Dellaire Nuclear structure and cancer biology, mechanisms of chemotherapy resistance, zebrafish models of cancer, T-cell leukemia, breast, ovarian, lung and prostate cancer  
Dr. Paola Marcato Breast cancer stem cells and chemotherapy resistance
Dr. David Waisman Mechanisms of cancer metastasis, pancreatic and lung cancer
Dr. Dan Gaston Identification of inherited genetic risk factors for cancer
Dr. Carman Giacomantonio Cancer biology, breast, colon and pancreatic cancer
Dr. Brent Johnston Cancer biology, inflammation and immunology, breast and ovarian cancer
Dr. Jean Marshall Cancer biology, inflammation and immunology, mast cells and breast cancer
Dr. Shashi Gujar
Cancer immunotherapies
Dr. Alison Wallace Thoracic surgery
Dr. Victor Martinez Pathology
Dr. Amy Trottier Hematology