Academic Detailing Service

Janelle Gray, BSc (Pharm)
Academic Detailer
Janelle graduated from Dalhousie University with a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy in 1979.
Throughout her pharmacy career she spent time working as a manager in community pharmacy for a chain for 10 years and then owner of a community pharmacy under the Pharmasave banner for 15 years. She has also spent many years volunteering on committees and on the board of the Pharmacy Association of Nova Scotia (PANS), a past president as well as a committees and council member for the Nova Scotia College of Pharmacists (NSCP). Since 2004, she has been under contract as an inspector with the NSCP.
Janelle joined the Dalhousie academic detailing team in 2016.
Janelle enjoys travelling, especially to visit her daughters and grandchildren in British Columbia. She also enjoys living lakeside where she keeps busy and active with swimming, paddle boarding and kayaking. She has also recently taken up gardening.
NS regions served: Annapolis Valley (Aylesford, Berwick, Kentville), HRM (Bedford, Fall River, Lower Sackville), Cole Harbour, Musquodoboit, Porter’s Lake, Mineville, Preston)