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Mobilizing Culture Mentorship Strategies to Enhance Youth Resilience

Posted by GHO Admin on October 6, 2014 in Events

Date: Oct 9, 2014 @ 1-2 pm
Location: Mona Campbell Rm. 3111 (School of Social Work Boardroom)

A presentation and video screening by Ashlee Cunsolo Willox, PhD.

Climate change is causing increasing challenges for Inuit communities across the North, and youth have been identified as particularly susceptible to its effects. The Inuit run IlikKuset-Ilingannet/Culture-Connect program, piloted in Nunatsivaut, Labrador, focuses on enhancing Inuit youth resilience to change by building connections to culture and heritage. The program unites youth with positive adult role modles to learn skills such as trapping, hunting, language, music, carving and snowshoe making.

Join us to learn about how this program navigates the intersection of health, culture and environment to improve the well-being of youth in Nunatsiavut.

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