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MOOC: Behind the Scenes: Addressing weight bias and stigma in obesity

Posted by GHO Admin on March 23, 2015 in Events

Apr 20 - May 25, 2015
Cost per enrollment: Free
Facilitator: Sara Kirk, PhD

Dr. Sara Kirk is a Canada Research Chair in Health Services and a Professor of health promotion with Dalhousie University's School of Health and Human Performance.

This course will provide an overview of the causes and consequences of obesity, with a focus on promoting a balanced understanding of the complex factors that have led to a rise in obesity rates globally and their implications for obesity management and prevention. As participants move through the content, they will be challenged to reflect on their own attitudes towards obesity and to critically appraise how these are shaped by broader societal attitudes. After completing the course, participants will have gained an appreciation of the causes and consequences of obesity and better insight into how to approach individuals experiencing obesity in a respectful and non-judgmental manner. Participants who wish to complete the course requirements can register for a citation of completion for a nominal fee.

Module 1: Course introduction and exploring our own biases
Module 2:
Understanding obesity as a complex health and societal issue.
Module 3:
Weight bias and stigma, what it is and where it comes from?
Module 4:
How do we address weight bias and stigma?
Module 5:
Bringing it all together in best practices.

For more information and to register: