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CH&E Seminar Series: Gail Tomblin Murphy, PhD

Posted by GHO Admin on September 16, 2015 in Events

Date: Tues. Sept. 29, 2015 @ 12:30 pm
Location: Centre for Clinical Research, CH&E Classroom 409
Title: Pandemic Influenza: Applying an integrated needs-based approach to plan for health care

Gail Tomblin Murphy, PhD

Professor, School of Nursing & CH&E, Dalhousie University Director, WHO/PAHO Collaborating Centre on Health Workforce Planning & Research and Centre for Transformative Nursing and Health Research.

Existing approaches to health workforce planning, particularly in the Canadian context, are not suited for system shocks such as changing needs of the population and new technologies. There is a great need to appreciate the context and complexity in which we are planning. Linking health needs to health services to the competencies of the overall health workforce enhances the flexibility of planning. In a study funded by CIHR and NSHRF, we worked with policy-/decision-makers, professional regulators and practitioners to identify the specific knowledge, skills and judgment (competencies) that healthcare workers need to provide services in highly demanding situations, to identify the gaps in these services, and then plan for team mixes to address the gaps.

RSVP: Jodi Lawrence or 494.3860