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Indigenous Speakers Series 2015‑2016

Posted by GHO Admin on January 20, 2016 in Events

Date: Wed. Feb. 3, 2016. @ 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Halifax Central Library

The people who owned the North-West Territories:” Respect, nationhood, and the western origins of the Métis people. 

Have you ever wondered who the Métis people are? Did the Crown sign treaties with the Métis? What is the difference between the Métis as a people, and métis as a term denoting mixed-racedness? Come on out to this event, which promises to be thought-provoking and engaging.

Speaker: Dr. Adam Gaudry (Assistant Professor, University of Saskatchewan) 

Dr. Adam Gaudry’s research explores nineteenth-century Métis political thought, the formation of a Métis treaty-relationship with Canada in 1870, and the subsequent non-implementation of that agreement. This project argues the existence of a “Manitoba treaty” between the Métis people and Canada necessitates the maintenance of a respectful and bilateral political relationship between the treaty partners.

You can access further event details here: