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Public Health 2017

Posted by GHO Admin on November 21, 2016 in Events

Dates: June 6-8, 2017
Location: Halifax World Trade & Convention Centre, Halifax, NS

Public Health 2017 is the national forum where public health professionals, researchers, policy-makers, academics, students and trainees come together to strengthen efforts to improve health and well-being, to share the latest research and information, to promote best practices and to advocate for public health issues and policies grounded in research.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone who is interested in improving the health and well-being of the entire population should be attending this conference. Public Health 2017 is the meeting place for a wide range of disciplines and sectors, at various career stages, all striving for a common goal. The conference may be of particular interest to: academics and researchers; students/trainees; policy-makers, administrators and managers; health promotion workers; front-line public health workers; media; people working in urban, rural, remote and small communities and anyone with an interest in public health.

Key dates

Symposium/workshop submission deadline November 22
Oral/poster submission deadline November 29
Submitters notified of result late January
Launch registration and Introductory Program   February 3

For more information please visit the conference website.